Drabble Fifteen - One That Will Make You Sad

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North clenched his fists. The guys were seated around the room, in similar states of distress, sat with their boy. He was North's son, but they were all his fathers.

Daniel, fifteen years old now, sat on the armchair. He had his father's skin tone, his hair, and his strong body structure, but his eyes were so obviously his mothers, Sang's. Bright green, so full of life.

"Dad..." Daniel said, his voice quiet.

"Danny, I think you're ready for this. You need to know about your mother." The boys, North's friends, his brothers stared at the floor. It was his job, as Daniel's biological father.

Daniel nodded solemnly, his eyes fixed on his father.

North began to explain.

By the time I was your age, I'd give anything

To fall in love truly, was all I could think

That's when I met your mother, the girl of my dreams

The most beautiful woman, that I'd ever seen.

"We met your mother when we were a few years older than you. It was love practically at first sight. She was...She was beautiful," North choked out, biting back the pain, "she was exquisite. She was my Sang baby, Silas's Angel, Luke's Always, Kota's Ten, Owen's Miss Sorenson, Sean's Pookie, Nathan's Peanut, Victor's Princess, Gabriel's Trouble. She was our everything."

She said, 'Boy can I tell you a wonderful thing?

I can't help but notice, you're staring at me.

I know I shouldn't say this, but I really believe,

I can tell by your eyes that you're in love with me.'

"She knew we were in love with her, and she loved us back. It was brilliant, and perfect."

Now, son, I'm only telling you this

Because life can do terrible things.

"I'm not saying this to hurt you. I'm saying this, we're saying this, because you need to know."

Now, most of the time we'd have too much to drink,

And we'd laugh at the stars and we'd share everything,

Too young to notice, and too dumb to care,

Love was a story that couldn't compare.

"We had more fun than we'd ever had. We were all in it together, we were all each other's worlds. God, I know if we could go back we'd appreciate it so much more."

I said, 'Girl, can I tell you a wonderful thing?

I made you a present with paper and string.

Open with care now, I'm asking you, please.

You know that I love you, will you marry me?'

"Eventually we all proposed, after you were born. You were our little surprise," he smiled wryly, "your mother loved you so much, loved us so much. We wanted to be with her in every way and make us all a proper family. We already were, of course, in all ways but the legal one."

Now, son, I'm only telling you this

Because life can do terrible things

You'll learn, one day, I'll hope and I'll pray,

That God shows you differently.

"Daniel, don't be afraid of love after we tell you this. We just need you to know." North blinked back tears. He had to be strong. Daniel's eyes...His mother's eyes, were staring with rapt attention, wanting to know everything. So much like her.

She said, "Boy can I tell you a terrible thing?

It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks.

Please, don't be sad now, I really believe,

You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me."

"She told us. She had terminal cancer, a tumor in her brain. Irrevocable. The doctors couldn't do anything. She had weeks to live. Sang...Your mother, she said to tell you that you were her miracle, her beautiful boy. She told us that we were the greatest thing that had ever happened to her. That we were amazing, that we, you, all of us...We were her universe. That she loved us all very much." A tear escaped North's eyes. He made no attempt to wipe it away. Gabriel had tears running down his face freely and all of them were going through the pain again.

Slow, so slow I fell to the ground on my knees.

So don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose

If you're given the choice, then I beg you to choose

To walk away, walk away, don't let her get you.

I can't bear to see the same happen to you.

Now, son, I'm only telling you this

Because life can do terrible things

"Daniel, Danny...It hurts so much to fall in love, it's beautiful, but it hurts. I just...I don't want it to happen to you. Never let it happen to you. I couldn't bear it. You were her miracle," North whispered, seeing Sang, his beautiful wife, their beautiful wife in his mind, but never fully, because she was gone. She was gone.

Yet her spirit remained with them, and they never knew. She stood behind her boys, biting her lip, tears streaming down her face at their pain, watching her little miracle cry slow tears for the mother he never knew.

"I love you," she whispered, but no one could hear her and her speech was lost in the air.

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