Chapter 10

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Liliana's pov

"Today is going to suck." I sighed as I got dressed in my scrubs.

"One day at work without Jackson is not going to kill you." Izzie laughs. Jackson took the day off because his grandfather was coming into town for a visit. I wasn't looking forward to spending a day at the hospital without him. I'm just so used to having him here.

"It might." I say.

"You are so love sick. It's actually kind of cute. I remember when Alex and I were like that." She sighs.

"Have you and Alex spoken since you've been back?"

"No, I've accepted that we're not getting back together and he's still sleeping with Lexie so he obviously isn't to heartbroken over it." She shrugs.

"Since when are him and Lexie still sleeping together?"

"Oh you didn't hear? Derek walked into Alex's room to see if he needed a ride to work and Lexie was waiting for Alex. Naked in his bed." She chuckled bitterly.

"Really? I've got to start back staying at Meredith's. I'm missing all of the drama." I shake my head.

"Yeah, you are. You and Jackson might as well live together now as much as you stay over there." She says making me laugh before we walk out of the locker room. I left to find Dr. Nelson who sent me to check his patients stats then I went to the front desk to finish charting.

"Liliana." Cristina calls catching my attention.


"So you weren't going to tell me who Jackson's grandfather is?"

"Why are you asking about Jackson and his grandfather?" I frown since I have no idea what she's talking about or why she would even care.

"Because they're here. You could've told me Jackson is a part of medical royalty. His grandfather is Harper freaking Avery."

"What? He never told me." I frowned.

Harper Avery is a legend in the medical world and I was surprised that Jackson never mentioned such a big thing to me.


"Yes really. I'll be back." I sighed before walking off to an on call room and paging Jackson who walks in a short while later.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why did you page me 911?" He frowns entering the room.

"Why didn't you ever mention that your grandfather is the Harper Avery?"

"That's why you paged me?" He scoffed.

"Yes, that's why I paged you." I sigh

"It's just not something I mention. I don't like for people to know me as Harper Avery's grandson. All they see is my family name after they find out."

"But I am your girlfriend. I am not just people, so I would think that you would at least mention it to me." I say.

"Well I didn't and it's not really any of your business." He says getting defensive.

"Oh really." I say folding my arms.

"Yes, really. The way you're acting right now is exactly the reason that I don't tell people who my family is." He shook his head. "Now I need to go back to check on my grandfather, which is why I'm here since you didn't bother to ask why I would be at the hospital on my off day." He said before walking out of the on call room and slamming the door behind him.

"What an ass." I mumble before walking out of the on call room.

Dr. Nelson paged me shortly after and I joined him in the O.R. to clip an aneurysm. He actually let me do most of the surgery.

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