Chapter 66

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Liliana's pov

"Baby, you ready?" Jackson asks walking into the room where I'm doing my makeup and hair for the gala. The hospital is having a gala to raise money to cover the damages the storm did to part of the building a couple of weeks ago.

"No, I am not ready as I'm sure you can tell." I say as I begin removing my flexi rods out of my hair.

"Lily..." He sighs.

"Jackson, don't you dare try to use this as an opportunity to tell me how effortlessly beautiful I am. It is not the time." I say.

"I was actually going to say you look like a train wreck at the moment, but I see where it's going."

"You're an ass." I laugh throwing a flexi rod at him.

"I'm just joking. Of course you look beautiful, but are you almost ready. We need to go soon if we want to get to the gala on time." He says.

"Just give me 10 minutes, Avery." I say. I finish getting ready, then we leave for the gala. Once we arrive Jackson and I have our pictures taken and I go inside, while he stands outside talking to Owen.

"Well don't you look nice." Callie smiles as I walk over to her, Cristina, and Meredith.

"Thanks." I smile. "It's nice to see you outside of the house." I say to Meredith. Her and Derek have both been at home taking care of Bailey lately, so the only time I ever see them is when I go over to their house to visit.

"I was just saying that I haven't seen her in ages." Cristina says.

"How does Derek like maternity leave?" I smirk.

"He's on paternity leave." She says.

"Yeah, okay." I smirk.

"We have a deal. I don't work, neither does he. It's working out well." Meredith says.

"I live in your house. You're bored out of your minds." Callie says as she sips her water. Callie has been staying with Meredith and Derek, since she found out that Arizona cheated on her. "They've got all this pent up surgical energy and now everything's a competition." Callie says to Cristina and I.

"It is not." Meredith disagrees.

"And he's winning." Callie adds.

"He is not winning. He couldn't even get Zola to put her shoes on tonight. I did that. I got her to put her shoes on. So I'm winning." Meredith says pointing at us, making us all stare at her. "I need to come back to work." Meredith sighs and we all nod our head in agreement.

"Drink?" One of the waiters with a weird clown mask asks walking near us, making us laugh after he passes by. The gala had circus themed performers, so there was a bunch of weird stuff going on around here.

"That's the creepiest waiter I've ever seen." Cristina laughs.

"Bailey's gonna lose her mind. She can't stand clowns. This is gonna be hilarious." Callie laughs.

"Bailey's not coming." Meredith says.

"What?" Callie and I both say. "Wait, we can do that. Okay, I have been dreading having to be in the same room with Arizona, but if this isn't mandatory, I'm going home." Callie says.

"I'm with you. I hate these things." I say.

"Wait, nobody's going home. I'm giving 10 percent of tonight's take to the department that raises the most money. Spread the word." Jackson says.

"Well Derek is here to represent the neuro department and he is good at charming people, so I'm going home." I say.

"No, you're not. You're my wife, you have to suffer through this with me." He says kissing me before walking away.

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