Chapter 11

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Liliana's pov

"Hey Derek, you have a minute?" I ask him seeing him in the hallway.

"No, I have a board meeting I'm already running late too." He shakes his head.

"Okay, well how about I walk with you to your meeting. That'll give us a good thirty seconds."

"Okay, you have thirty seconds." He sighs.

"Ok, so this woman comes into the ER with abdominal pain. She's had it on and off for about six months, and a lot of doctors have told her it's either an ulcer or gastritis." I say before Derek interrupts me.

"Get to the point, you have 15 seconds." He says making me frown at his rudeness.

"So it occurs to me that the nausea is probably caused by a positional shift." I continue.

"CSF. Brain tumor, got it." He interrupts me again.

"Not just any brain tumor. She's got this huge, beautiful ependymoma, so Shadow Shepherd..." I begin to say.

"Dr. Nelson." He corrects me.

"Same difference, anyways he is going to do an intraventricular resection and let me assist and I may even get to debulk the tumor." I say excitedly.

"That's it." He frowns before walking away and going into the board meeting.

"Well who pissed in your cereal?" I mumble before walking to the front desk where Meredith is standing.

"Have you and Derek been having sex?" I ask her.

"Um yes, why would you ask me that." She laughs.

"Because he's in a crappy mood today." I frown.

"Don't take it personally, he's just stressed out with all of this Chief stuff." She says before getting paged and leaving.

"Hey beautiful." Jackson says walking up to me and giving me a kiss.

"Hey." I mumble.

"What's wrong with you?" He frowns.

"Derek's being a jerk." I sigh.

"You want to go have sex to take your mind off of it?"
He asks me.

"Jackson." I huff.

"What? It would help." He says.

"You're right, it would make me feel better." I smirk leading him to an on call room. We have a little alone time until Dr. Nelson pages me to meet him in CT to look over the tumor.

"See that? The tumor's pressing down on the floor of the fourth ventricle, which is causing the nausea." Dr. Nelson says as we look at the tumor scans.

"So you debulk the tumor, and then you move on to the stalk?" I ask

"No. You debulk the tumor." He says making me smile before April comes in and starts taking the scans down.

"What are you doing?" I frown.

"Dr. Shepherd has requested these scans. His schedule has freed up, so he's decided to do the resection himself." April says.

"Oh, no! That's my, I am debulking, it's my tumor." I sigh in frustration snatching the scans from her

"It's Dr. Shepherd's tumor now." She says taking them back and walking away.

"That bitch." I mumble.

"Are you referring to Dr. Shepherd or Dr. Kepner?" Dr. Nelson asks me.

"Right about now I'm referring to both of them." I say before angrily walking out of CT. A short while later I see Derek and April standing in front of the OR board and I decide to confront him.

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