Chapter 67

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Liliana's pov

"This is killing me. I'm literally going to die." I groan as the alarm clock goes off waking Jackson and I up for work.

"You're being dramatic." He laughs.

"Shut up." I sigh as I sit up.

"Okay grumpy. Do you want coffee?" He smiles.

"Yes, please." I say. We both get ready for work, before going down stairs and eating breakfast and drinking our coffee, then leaving for the hospital. As soon as I get dressed in my scrubs, I'm paged for a emergency craniotomy surgery and after I finish I go to an on-call room to take a nap.

"Hey beautiful." Jackson smiles walking into the on-call room and closing the door behind him before laying in the bed beside me, shortly after I lay down.

"Hey handsome." I smile as he kisses me. "You know, I already see where this is going and I'm going to already let you know we're not having sex. I came in here to get sleep. I'm exhausted." I sigh.

"Come on. Having sex will get rid of all your problems." He smirks.

"No it won't." I laugh.

"But it'll put you in a good mood." He says.

"That it will." I smile as he starts back kissing me, taking my shirt off as we begin to have a little fun.

"That was amazing." I say out of breath after we finish.

"It was. You want to go again?" He smiles.

"Of course." I smile as we start back kissing.

"Oh my god." I gasp as the door opens and Catherine walks in making us both rush to pull the sheets over us. I had totally forgotten that she was even still in town since Richard is still in the hospital because of the injuries he suffered when he was electrocuted.

"Hi mom." Jackson says awkwardly.

"Hi, Mrs. Avery." I sigh not making eye contact with her as she shakes her head at us. To call this moment awkward would be an understatement, I mean I don't even know the words to describe how it feels to have your mother in law walk into the room when you're having sex with your husband.

"I came to get pillows for Richard, but since you two seem to be enjoying this room a little too much, I'll just get them from another room." She says beginning to walk out of the room before stopping. "Next time I see you two, I expect that you'll both be clothed."

"You were supposed to lock the door." I say slapping his arm.

"I thought I did." He sighs still cringing from what just happened.

"Well your mothers never gonna look at me the same now." I sigh as I get up to start getting dressed.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"To get some work done, so your mother won't think that the only thing I do while I'm here is have sex." I say.

"But we weren't done." He says.

"Jackson we were done as soon as Catherine walked in the room." I say before walking out of the on-call room.

"What's wrong with you?" Derek asks as I walk to the front desk.

"Catherine just walked in on Jackson and I having sex." I sigh laying my head on the desk in embarrassment.

"Really?" He laughs.

"Derek Shepherd this isn't funny. She's never going to think of me the same." I whine.

"Well if it makes you feel any better my A.V.M. surgery with Robbin's got moved up to today, so I'm giving you my lumboperitoneal shunt placement surgery."

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