Chapter 14

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Fear- an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Liliana's pov

"Hey, you paged?" I said to Derek walking into his office closing the door behind me.

"Yeah, I like to say hi to my best friend occasionally?" He joked smiling.

"You know I've been busy trolling for cases. I've been here since yesterday evening. Last night a guy crashed his motorcycle, had rebar jammed in the base of his skull and Nelson let me do the extraction." I smiled. I was exhausted, but the adrenaline and love of medicine kept me going.

"Lucky, I've been doing paperwork all day. This job is just, I would love to have something jammed in my brain that way I could see the inside of an OR." He joked making me laugh as he looked at all of the paperwork spread across his desks.

"The life of the Chief." I smiled as I took a seat across from him.

"You know what I was thinking?" He asked me making me raise my eyebrows. I never knew what would come out of Derek Shepherd's mouth, so I was curious.

"What?" I asked.

"Me, you, Meredith and Jackson should do dinner." He says.

"Derek, you know I don't do the whole double date thing. I don't have time for that right now." I sighed. Being a resident, I looked forward to going home and laying in bed while watching my favorite movies until I fell asleep, which was always quickly considering my body is almost always so drained from work. Using my free time to socialize wasn't the most appealing to me.

"Come on, it would be fun."

"Fine, but only if I can invite Izzie and you can find one of your other surgeon friends to keep her company. I want to get her out of the house for a night." I say.

"Deal, I can just get Mark to come." He shrugged.

"No. Jackson knows about me and Mark's history, so having dinner together would just be awkward." I shake my head.

"No it won't, once Avery gets used to Mark he'll like him. Marks a likeable guy." Derek says.

"Not true." I chuckled before thinking it over. "Fine, but just so Izzie will have company. I'll go find her and tell her about our plans." I say, before leaving to find Izzie.

"Hey Iz." I smile seeing her at the front desk.

"Hey." She smiles.

"Do you want to hang out tonight?" I asked her.

"Like a girls night?" She smirked.

"Not exactly, I was thinking me, you, Meredith, Jackson, Mark, and Derek could do dinner."

"That sounds more like a triple date and I'm not interested in dating right now, especially not dating Mark. He's man whore." Izzie says.

"So was Alex." I pointed out. "Don't think of it as a date, just think of it as socializing with co workers. Come on I would be a bad friend to let you just sit in the house and never go out." I pouted.

"Fine, I guess I do need to enjoy a night out."

"You do." I nodded. Izzie had been in a little bit of a rut since her divorce. It was understandable and as her friend I just wanted to help her get past everything.

"Okay Ms. know it all." She chuckled. "How are things with you and Jackson going?"

"Great, I'm really happy." I smiled,

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