Chapter 72

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Liliana's pov

Today is the day of April's wedding and unfortunately I have to miss it, since I'm still in the hospital recovering from my surgery. It's been six days since my operation, but I have to remain in the hospital for a couple of more days before I can go home, since my body is more susceptible to post-op infection since I don't have a spleen. My pain has been pretty bearable since the operation, but I was extra sore today since I've been walking around getting physical therapy, because Bailey wants to make sure I'm physically ready to go home in a couple of days. I feel kind of bad for not being able to go to April's wedding, since she was so helpful in me and Jackson's wedding, but she completely understood.

"And you're sure that you don't need me to stay." Jackson asks me. He's about to leave for the wedding, but he doesn't want to leave me at the hospital, even though I told him it's okay.

"Avery, go. I'm going to be fine. I'm going to lay here and get some rest and you're going to go watch your best friend get married. Stop worrying." I smile.

"Okay, but just call me if you need me to come back to the hospital." He says as he leans over to kiss me.

"Okay, now go and make sure to check on April as soon as you get to the wedding. She's probably freaking out and Meredith, Cristina, and Arizona are not the people to give her a pep talk considering all the drama they have going on right now." I say. Even though Arizona and Callie are giving things another chance, they're still very distant and Meredith and Cristina are still feuding, so they all have a bunch of drama going on right now.

"Okay, I will. I'll see you when I get back." He smiles.

"Okay, bye. I love you." I say.

"I love you too." He says kissing me before he leaves. Once Jackson is gone I decide to turn the T.V. on and try to find something to watch. One thing I hate about recovering from surgery is that it means spending way more time than I would like being confined to a bed, not able to do anything productive. I see that there's a NBA game on so I decide to watch that. I'm not really a super big sports fan, but Jackson loves sports, so I've grown to tolerate them.

"Um, hey. Do you mind if I come in?" My brother says as he stands at the door. We still haven't spoken, because I didn't think I was ready. I'm recovering from donating part of my liver to my dead beat dad, I think I have an excuse not to want to be emotionally overwhelmed by new people in my life. The only reason that I even knew that he was my brother is because I caught a glimpse of him when he was speaking to my father before the surgery, plus they really resemble.

"Um, no it's fine. Come in." I say. Even though I didn't really want to speak, I didn't want to be rude. I mean it's not his fault that our dad's a deadbeat.

"Well, before I begin I want to introduce myself. I mean I figured I should start off by introducing myself since we've never met before...and I'm rambling. Sorry, I do that when I get nervous, but I'm Sean." He smiles.

"It's nice to meet you Sean, I'm Liliana." I smile.

"I wanted to come by and tell you how much I appreciate what you did for dad. I know he's never been there for you, but you still decided to save his life when you didn't have to and I just wanted to say thank you."

"You're welcome." I say.

"Do you mind if I sit?" He asks me.

"No, it's fine." I say as he takes a seat in the chair beside me.

"This is kind of weird you know. Just meeting you. I mean I always knew I had a sister out there, but I never thought we'd get the chance to meet." He says.

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