Chapter 81

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Liliana's pov

"Edwards, why are you standing here socializing, instead of getting my patient prepped for surgery?" I ask walking to the front desk where Stephanie stood talking to Shane.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Garcia. I just thought that since we just finished the aneurysm clip, and you were here since early this morning lecturing, that maybe you needed a break to pace yourself." She says. I'm officially out of my first trimester of pregnancy, so Jackson and I told everyone that I'm pregnant and ever since I announced it to everyone they've been trying to make sure I don't overwork myself, which is actually quite frustrating since it's slowing down the work process.

"No, I do not need a break. What I need is for you to get my patient prepped for surgery, right now." I say sternly.

"Yes ma'am." She nods before leaving as I begin to tap on my iPad.

"So Dr. Garcia, how does it feel to be the Chief of Neuro now?" Shane smiles. Derek is taking the job and Washington and him and Meredith are leaving soon, so he's appointed me the Chief of Neuro. I was honestly surprised when he picked me to take over the neuro department, since it's still so early in my career as an attending and also because I thought he was going to give the position to Amelia since she's also a great surgeon and she's been a surgeon longer than me, but he says he feels that I'm the right person for this job and I've proved that I deserve it, so now I'm the head of the department.

"It feels great. It's keeping me busy, but I'm enjoying every minute of it." I smile. Being chief of neuro takes a lot more work than just being an attending. I was not only responsible for just my surgeries now, but also in charge of scheduling all of the surgeries in the neuro department, scheduling and teaching lectures, and I have to keep a watch on every neuro patient in this hospital even the ones who I don't operate on because it's my job to make sure that no mistakes in my department have been made, but at the end of the day I can handle it. It's what I've been working towards since I made the decision to become a neurosurgeon.

"Well I'm happy for you Dr. Garcia. You deserve this position." He says sincerely.

"Thanks Shane." I smile before turning my attention to the T.V. when I see that there's breaking news on the screen.

"If you're just joining us, we have breaking news of an enormous explosion. It happened only minutes ago at Seattle's Mall of the Woods. We are getting reports of massive fatalities and scores of people injured..." The news anchor says covering the stories as pictures of the now destroyed mall flash across the screen. The lobby begins to fill with chatter of shock as people see what has just happened.

"Crap." I sigh. "Okay, page all available surgeons, discharge all patients who can be discharged, and cancel all of the elective surgeries for the neuro department." I direct the nurses at the front desk, because I know that the hospital is about to fill with patients. I leave to help discharge all of the neuro patients that can be released and as soon as I finish discharging the patient's and make it to the E.R. it's already packed with patients so I take my first patient from the explosion to the O.R. and operate. As soon as I finish operating on her I have to get ready for another surgery immediately.

"Okay, get her to I.C.U., and get this room prepped for my next surgery. Let's go." I direct the nurses in the O.R.

"Right away, doctor." The nurse answers as I leave the room to immediately prepare for my next surgery.

"Next patient please." I say walking into the scrub room to get scrubbed in. "When did you get here? Aren't you supposed to be packing up your house to move to Washington?" I frown seeing Derek walk into the room.

"I came as soon as I saw the news. I know today's going to be hectic. You want to switch out?" He asks.

"No, Derek. You put me in charge of your service. It's my job to handle situations like this. I got it. Next patient please." I say waiting for Derek to read the chart with the details for my next patient.

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