Chapter 69

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Liliana's pov

"Jackson, we have to get dressed so we can watch Meredith's presentation." I say wiggling out of his arms so I can get dressed. We spent all of our free time this morning in the on call room and as usual Jackson didn't want it to end.

"Come on, Meredith probably won't even know we aren't there." He says.

"But we will and since we're good friends we're going to watch her presentation. Now start getting dressed," I tell him.

"Fine." He sighs, standing up and beginning to get dressed before we leave the on-call room.

"Dr. Avery, Mrs. Maddox is here to get her drain removed. I'll do it after the presentation." Leah says walking over to Jackson and I as we make our way to the research lab where Meredith is presenting the project she's been working on for the past three months since she returned to work.

"I'll do it myself, Murphy." Jackson says to Leah.

"Really? Because I know the case."

"Nah, I prefer to do it myself. Thanks." He says as we walk into the room. A short while later Derek also walks into the room and stands beside Jackson and I.

"Good morning everyone." Owen says walking into the room.

"Morning." We all say before turning our attention to the front of the room because the presentation is about to start.

"Grey-Sloan memorial has always valued innovation as a top priority and today the leader of this charge is Dr.Grey. We should all follow her in pushing the boundaries, moving medicine forward, finding new ways to innovate. Dr. Grey." Owen says signaling for Meredith to speak.

"3-D printing will allow us to customize treatment for an individual's specific needs. Instead of ordering and waiting for an implant..." Meredith says.

"Do you see that?" I ask Jackson pointing towards a man standing near Meredith as she continues to speak.

"The printer? Yeah , it's cool." Jackson says.

"No, no, the guy next to her." I say making Jackson and Derek turn their attention to the guy. "With the eye twitch." I say and Jackson shakes his head yes, before smirking because he knows the exact thought running through my head.

"Eventually, even using a patient's own cells to prevent rejection. Welcome to the age of personalized medicine." Meredith says pulling out a fork. Causing chatter of disappointment to fill the room as some people exit, but Derek claps for her.

"You guys, we just got the printer yesterday. We're testing it out. Forks today, tomorrow portal veins for actual people. You guys." She calls. Everyone is released from the presentation, but Jackson, and I wait outside of the room for the guy with the eye twitch.

"Uh, Harvey." I say as the guy walks out of the room.

"Yes, can I help you?" He asks.

"No, but I think I can help you. I can fix that. It'll take about 30 minutes," I say,

"Fix what?" He asks.

"The twitch," I say as we begin to walk down the hallway.

"I don't know who you are, but frankly this is none of your business and it's not a twitch, it's a..." He begins to say.

"A hemifacial spasm. See, I can decompress the nerve. It's minimally invasive. It's barely even a surgery." I explain.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks.

"She's Liliana Garcia, one of the best neurosurgeons in the country. I really think you should let her fix it." Jackson says.

"And who are you?" Harvey asks.

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