Chapter 105

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Liliana's pov

"My husband hates me" I sigh as I sip my coffee

"Jackson, doesn't hate you" Derek says

"Yes he does. He didn't even sleep in the same room as me last night and he left before I woke up this morning just to avoid me" I sigh. Derek came over this morning so we could talk and I can catch him up on how things went with Jackson last night

"Or maybe he was just on schedule to go into work early" he says

"No, he rarely ever goes in that early. He just can't stand to be in the same house as me. You know, you would think that it would be the other way around considering he's the one who kissed another woman" I frown

"Which I'm still thinking about kicking his ass for" he says

"I greatly appreciate how willing you are to defend me, but no ass kicking is necessary. The only thing that is necessary right now is for Jackson and I to sit down and talk" I say

"Well he has to come home tonight and when he does you have to make him sit down and talk to you even if he doesn't want to, that's the only way you two are going to be able to discuss your problems" he says

"I know, this whole thing is so stressful. I don't even want to talk about it anymore" I sigh

"How about we change the subject then. We can talk about work. Have you decided when you're going back" he asks

"Yeah, I'm actually returning tomorrow. I have to go in a little bit later today to meet up with Amelia so she can give me some files and fill me in on any changes that have went on in the department while I've been gone" I say

"You're returning kind of quick aren't you? I mean we just got back, are you sure you're ready to go back this time" he asks

"Yeah, I am. I can honestly say I actually miss surgery and I can't wait to be back in the O.R." I smile "Gosh, it feels good to say that and actually mean it" I sigh

"I'm glad that you're back in a good place. It's nice to see you genuinely smiling again" he says

"Thanks. I know I'll never be exactly the same person I was before everything happened, but I feel like things are close to being back to normal and I'm so thankful for that" I say. Even though I'm still working on myself and trying to figure out where I'm going in life, I'm appreciative of where I'm at now. Pain has taught me to appreciate the simple times in life where I'm just content even when things aren't perfect. Derek and I continue to sit in the kitchen talking until he leaves to go spend some time with the kids and I have to get ready to go to the hospital to meet up with Amelia.

"Liliana, you're back" Alex smiles as I walk over to the front desk where he's standing

"Yep, I'm here live and in the flesh" I smile

"How are you? How was D.C." he asks

"I'm good and D.C. was great. It was everything I needed" I sigh

"That's great. Are you back to work for good this time" he asks

"Yeah, I'm not actually starting back until tomorrow, I'm just meeting Amelia to go over some paperwork, but as of tomorrow I'll be back like I never left" I smile

"Well, I'm glad that you're back, it hasn't been the same without you around here" he says

"Thanks evil spawn, that means a lot" I joke making him laugh. "Well I have to go meet Amelia, she's probably already in the conference room waiting for me so I will see you around" I smile before leaving to go to the conference room where Amelia is waiting.

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