Chapter 42

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Liliana Pov

Chirping that was all I heard. The sound of birds chirping as I felt myself gaining consciousness. It was normally a relaxing sound or a signal of a bright and sunny day, but not this time. The repetitive chirping just irritated the intense migraine I felt.

My eyelids felts so heavy as I tried to open them, blinking as I tried to adjust to the sight of the bright sun shining into my face making my throbbing head hurt even worse. The only thought running through my head was Jackson. I didn't want to die and leave Jackson.

"Liliana." I could hear what Derek say before he appeared standing over me. He looked like hell as I'm sure I did as well. The first thing I noticed seeing him was his bloody injured hand.

"Derek, your hand." I said letting out a groan of pain as I struggled to sit up holding my ribs which I was pretty sure were broken from the pain I felt with every breath.

"It's fine don't worry about me." He shook his head. "Are you okay?" He frowned looking at my forehead causing me to take my hand and feel it. I automatically winced pulling my hand back noticing the red sticky blood that covered my fingertips that made me realize there was a gash across my forehead.

"I'm fine." I shrugged. Of course I wasn't, but I'm sure none of us were but at least I was alive.

"No you're not, you're in pain."

"Of course I'm in pain Derek. You're in pain. We were in a plane and it crashed. We are in a actual plane crash right now." I grimaced trying to catch my breath.

"Liliana, I need you to give me a run down. Tell me what hurt." He said. It was just like Derek to be more concerned with me than himself.

"Everything. I think my ribs, they're broken and my ankle, I think it is too." I winced looking at the way it was twisted. It was slightly deformed, nothing extreme but it hurt like a bitch.

"Yeah, that ankle looks broken. We need to splint it." He said wincing as he squatted to take a better look at it.

"And your hand needs to be stitched up. I guess we're both out of luck." I huffed. "It doesn't even matter. Right now the only thing we need to worry about is finding everyone else. Help me up." I said sticking my hand out.

"You can't walk on that ankle." He frowned as he stood up.

"I don't really have a choice." I said closing my eyes as I tried to collect myself. He grabbed my hand with his good hand helping me stand up.

"Son of a bitch" I hissed as I put pressure on my ankle, gritting my teeth. As soon as I put pressure on it, it felt like my ankle wanted to give out. I couldn't even fully stand on it. Every step I took was excruciating

"What if they're dead?" Derek asked as we walked, well I more so hopped.

"What?" I frowned.

"What if everybody else is dead? We were in plane crush it's a miracle that you and I are alive, but that doesn't mean that everybody else is too."

"Don't think like that." I sighed.

"I'm just being realistic. Meredith what if she's dead, what if my wife is dead?" He said as we stopped walking.

"Derek, you don't get to break right now. We can't break, not if we want to get out of here." I huffed. "Now I can't tell you that everyone is okay or that any of us are going to make it back to Seattle, because I don't know. What I do know is that right now we are alive, right now we have a chance of making it back home, so we're going to save our emotions for later and keep walking." I said before we started back walking.

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