Chapter 46

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Liliana's pov

"I really wish we didn't have to go to work today." I say to Jackson. We had been enjoying each others company all morning, but it was finally time to get ready for work and I was not ready for the fun to end.

"We could call in sick." He suggests.

"Baby we're fellows now. We can't just call in sick, so we can stay home and have sex all day." I laugh.

"You sure about that?" He smiles kissing me on my neck, making me giggle

"Yep, I'm sure." I smile giving him one last kiss before we go get ready for work before leaving.

"When's your first surgery?" Jackson asks as we stand in front of the OR board.

"In an hour."

"Well I have a little while until my next surgery too, so I was thinking we could..." He smiles before he's interrupted.

"There's my baby boy." We hear what sounds like his moms voice say.

"Please tell me that is not my mom." He sighs. I turn around and sure enough it's her.

"Sorry baby, it is." I smirk. He's been avoiding his mom and Webber since we found out that they slept together which still makes me shiver every time I even think about it.

"Hey ma" Jackson says as she hugs him.

"And Liliana, how are you dear?" She smiles.

"I'm fine, Mrs. Avery." I smile before my pager goes off "I have to go, surgery awaits." I say kissing Jackson on the cheek before walking away. My patient was having a seizure as a result of a brain bleed, so I had to rush him to surgery and get scrubbed in.

"Dr. Garcia, I just wanted to say that I'm so glad to be on your service. I've heard nothing, but wonderful things about you." Leah, my intern for the day says while we operate.

"Flattery gets you nowhere in this O.R. Dr. Murphy, focus on surgery." I say. I don't know what it is about these interns, but all of them just irritate me. The only one I can tolerate is Shane, because he is very talented from what I've seen, but he still gets on my nerves too, just a little less than the others. Even though the surgery is tricky we successfully stop the bleeding, before taking the patient to recovery.

"Liliana." Catherine calls from the CT room, when she sees me in the hallway.

"Dammit." I mumble. I really try to avoid Catherine when she's in town. I mean she's not a bad person, but she's just such a meddler. "Hey." I smile walking into the room.

"Come sit dear." She says patting the empty chair beside her, so I take a seat beside her. "Take a look at these scans." She says pulling up some CT scans on the computer.

"I'm not sure what it is, I'm looking at." I frown as I stare at the scans.

"Those are testicles, Dr. Garcia." She says making me gasp. "Don't worry, they're not supposed to look like that." She laughs.

"Believe me I know that. I know what testicles are sup..." I say before stopping myself before I talk to much.

"Sweetheart, you're a grown women of course you've saw them before, so you know what they're supposed to look like."

"This is not happening." I mumble under my breath. Testicles are not the most comfortable topic to speak with your boyfriends mother about.

"Liliana there's nothing to be shy about. We're doctors. Testicles are one of the many parts of the male anatomy, just like the penis, which is the best parts if you ask me. I mean look at me, I haven't been this happy in a long time, but do you know why that's changed?" She asks.

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