Chapter 9

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Liliana's pov

It was officially Valentine's Day. A pointless day in my opinion. I just felt like if someone loves you they should show you year round. Not just on one day, but Jackson really wanted to celebrate it, so I agreed that we could go out to dinner.

"I can't believe we're doing this." I say to Jackson as he drives.

"It's our first Valentine's Day." Jackson smiled cheerfully.

"You know I don't do Valentine's day." I grumbled.

"There is more to life than the hospital and work." He reminds me.

"I know, there's also sleeping and eating." I say making him laugh.

"Would it kill you to be a little romantic and sentimental?"

"Probably." I shrug "Ambulance." I say excitedly looking back at the ambulance that just passed us.

"Eyes up front." Jackson says making me turn around until I see more ambulances driving by.

"Okay that seems big." I say.

"If it's big they'll page us." He says right before our pagers go off.

"Yes." I smile as Jackson turns the car around. We arrive at the hospital and rush to get dressed in our scrubs. I discharge all of the neuro patients that can go home, since we're going to need all of the rooms we can get with the amount of patients coming in. I go to the front desk to finish a chart when Mark walked up to me.

"It sucks working on Valentine's Day doesn't it?" He asks.

"Mark, you know I don't celebrate Valentine's Day." I shake my head.

"I forgot you're a scrooge when it comes to holidays." He chuckled.

"Valentine's Day really isn't a holiday it's.." I begin to say.

"A superficial day made up so people can make up for being an complete ass the rest of the year." He says remembering what I used to tell him.

"Exactly." I smirk.

"Who's that blonde standing over there?" He asks focusing his attention on a blonde girl who stood at the front desk.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Well I'm about to go find out." He smirks before walking off making me chuckle.

"What were you and Sloan talking about?" Jackson asks walking up to me.

"Nothing important, why?" I ask.

"No reason." He shrugs.

"There has to be reason. What? Are you jealous?" I ask.

"No."Jackson says fake laughing it off.

"Oh my god, you are. You're jealous that I was talking to Mark." I chuckle, a little amused.

"No, I'm not. It's just that he has a reputation and not a good one."

"Jackson, Mark is the last person you need to be concerned about. I only have eyes for you." I say giving him a kiss.

"Okay." He sighs.

"Plus I've been there, done that." I shrugged.

"Wait, you slept with Sloan?" He frowns.

"Once upon a time." I answer honestly. I was never shy about my past or anything that I had done. Mark and I had our moment and it passed.

"And you never thought to tell me about it?"

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