Chapter 74

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Liliana's pov

"Look, I'm not asking for much. I'm just saying if you use a dish in the middle of the night, wash it before you go back to bed instead of leaving it in the sink." I say to Jackson as we walk up to the front desk.

"Look, I don't like a filthy kitchen either, but a dirty cereal bowl in the sink isn't gonna exactly tip the scale." He says.

"Well it tips the scale for me, so if you mess up a dish wash it Avery." I say as I read over my files.

"Yes ma'am." He smirks, kissing me before leaving for surgery.

"And I thought Meredith and I bickered like a old married couple." Derek laughs.

"Jackson and I do not bicker that much." I laugh.

"Whatever you say." He smirks "Your mother in law is heading this way."

"What? What are you talking about? Catherine isn't even in town." I frown.

"Yes, she is. I'm looking at her right now." Derek says pointing behind me, making me turn around to see Catherine walking my way.

"Oh great." I sigh.

"Have fun." Derek smirks before walking away.

"Hey Catherine." I smile.

"Liliana, sweetheart. How are you?" She smiles as she hugs me.

"Great. I didn't know you were in town." I say.

"Yes. Well today is Richards birthday, so I decided to show up and surprise him." She smiles.

"Well that's very nice. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

"Where's Jackson?" She asks me.

"He's actually in surgery, but I will text him and let him know that you are here." I say.

"Well thank you dear." She says.

"I have to go. It's time for my surgery." I say as my pager goes off before leaving. I text Jackson then I meet Jo since she's on my service today and we get my patient prepped for surgery before taking him to the O.R. Today I have a total tumor resection surgery and I know it's going to take all day since its such a huge tumor, but I'm ready for it. I love big cases like this, since Derek trained me for surgeries like these. Once Wilson and I get scrubbed in we begin the operation.

"Wilson, why is it better to completely resect a tumor then to partially resect it?" I ask as I operate.

"Total tumor resections are more likely to result in extended survival rates." she says

"Correct and does the complete resection of the tumor increase the risk of complications?" I ask.

"Not necessarily. It really depends on the location of the tumor, but in the case of most tumors, yes it raises the risk of complications during surgery." She says.

"Very good." I say "So how are things with you and Alex going?" I ask. I don't really like Jo, but since her and Alex are dating I'm trying to learn to tolerate her.

"Great, I mean Alex is great, it's just...never mind." She sighs.

"Just what?" I ask.

"I love Alex, it's just sometimes I don't know how to read him or how to be there for him in certain situations. It's like he shuts me out."

"Jo, Alex is complicated. He's been through a lot, so he isn't someone who just expresses how he feels. A lot of times with Alex it's better just to be there for him instead of pressuring him into talking to you about things. He obviously trusts you, so he'll open up to you when he's ready." I say. With everything that most of the doctors at this hospital have been through we can be closed off and hard to communicate with, but once we find that person we can trust with anything we learn to open up eventually, it just takes time. I'm so lucky that I have both Jackson and Derek to support me through everything and I want Alex to have that same support. I mean of course he has Meredith, Cristina, and I, but having someone that goes home with him and who makes him their number one priority is something that Jo can give him right now so I'll do anything I can to make them work because Alex deserves happiness. We all do.

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