Chapter 101

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Liliana's pov

"Okay, well I was just calling to check in and see how things are going" I say to Amelia. Since I've been out of town for the last month and a half I've been constantly checking in with Amelia to make sure that she wasn't having any trouble running the department because it is a lot of work. I really didn't plan on having her run the department this long but I'm lucky she is able to take over for me and effectively run everything while I'm gone. I've been gone for longer then I expected, I mean when I left I only planned to stay in D.C. for like 2 weeks, but I'm really content and at a good place in life right now, but I know once I return to Seattle that's going to all change because I'll have to confront the issues that I still have at home, specifically how horrible things are with Jackson, and I'm not ready to deal with that yet.

"No problem. It's nice to hear from you. I'm glad you're having a good time in D.C." she says

"Yeah, it's really nice here. Have you seen Jackson around today?" I ask.

"Yeah, I saw him a little earlier"

"How is he? I mean does he seem happy?" I ask.

"He seems okay, I wouldn't exactly say happy. Have you two not been speaking?" She questions.

"We were when I first came out here, but not really lately. He's pretty much been ignoring me when I call and when he does pick up we always end up arguing, so at this point I've just stopped calling as much" I admit.

"He'll come around" she says

"I really hope so, but enough about me and my relationship. How are things going with you and a certain Chief Hunt" I smirk

"What do you mean. Owen and I are just co workers and friends." She scoffs.

"You and I both know you like Owen. Everytime we've talked on the phone lately you've talked about how caring, and understanding, and great he is and you two have been spending so much time together" I say

"I just respect him and think that he's a great boss and we're friends so of course we hang out at times, I mean that's totally normal" she says

"Amelia, this is me you're talking to. You can admit that you like Owen. It isn't like I'm going to tell anyone" I say

"Fine. I am starting to fall for Owen Hunt, but I shouldn't because he's my boss and it's unprofessional" she sighs

"Oh please, this is Grey Sloan Memorial we're talking about. Almost everyone falls in love with their boss there at some point. No one has the right to judge you. If you like Owen you should just go for it, he could be your night and shining whatever" I say

"I don't know, I need to think about it" she says

"Just be open minded" I say

"I will" she agrees

"Good, now I will call you back later. I'm about to go grab something to eat" I say

"Okay, bye" she says

"Bye" I say before hanging up. Derek's at work, so I've had the house to myself all day. I normally use this time to explore the town. There's always something to do in D.C. since it's filled with so many different monuments and restaurants. Today I decided that I wanted to go to this local cafe called Le Caprice that I've fell in love with since I've been here. I go get dressed and do light makeup before leaving to go to the cafe. Once I get there I order my usual, an almond croissant and a coffee before taking a seat at a table. I decide to call Jackson, but of course he doesn't answer. I hate the constant arguing whenever I call him, but even that was better then going days without speaking. I sigh in disappointment before beginning to eat my food, while texting Derek.

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