Chapter 100

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Liliana's pov

"I don't know how I let you talk me into this. I don't even like the outdoors" I say as I cast my fishing rod into the ocean. It's been a month since I've been in D.C. now and of course Derek has been back to his normal schedule of working during the weekdays, but we've been using the weekends to get out of the house and explore. Most of the time we stick to touring different sites or going to the mall, but since Derek has a love for the outdoors, today we are on a boat in the middle of the ocean fishing.

"Stop complaining. You know you secretly like doing things like this. Didn't you enjoy yourself last time" he asks

"Yeah, but only because I caught a huge fish and I'm competitive. I'm better at fishing than you are." I smirk.

"Ouch, I'll try not to take that personally." He jokes.

"I can't help that I'm a natural" I chuckle.

"Humble, aren't you" he laughs

"Aren't I always" I smile. "I guess I will admit that this is nice. Just being out on a boat in the middle of the ocean away from everyone. It's peaceful" I sigh

"Yeah, it is. It's like a temporary escape from the real world" he says

"Is that why you love it so much" I ask

"Yeah, I'm always at peace when I'm fishing or on a ferry boat" he says

"You do have a thing for ferry boats" I smile

"I still can't believe you've never been on a ferry boat ride before. We have to go one day" he says

"Yeah, we should. It would be fun. You know doing outdoorsy stuff like this kind of makes me think about my childhood. My mom loved going fishing. I always opted out of going with her since I was scared to get on a boat, so I would just watch from the docks, now I wish would've went just so I would of had the memories" I sigh

"You miss her, don't you" he asks

"Yeah, always" I say

"What was your mom like, if you don't mind me asking" he says

"No, it's fine. My mother, she was amazing. I wouldn't have traded her for the world. She was so patient and understanding. I could talk to her about anything and she never judged me. She never pressured me to be something I wasn't, she just wanted me to be happy and to know my worth. She was my best friend" I smile thinking about her

"She sounds like she was a great person, it had to be hard losing her" he says

"It was, but when it happened I knew it was time. She fought as hard as she could to stick around for me, but at the end she was tired and she was in pain and I cared about her so much that I would rather know she was resting, than suffering. That's the only thing that gave me some closure when she passed away" I say and Derek shakes his head understandingly. Losing a parent is always hard, but to watch them grow weaker and sicker everyday is heart wrenching, even though it hurts like hell when they die it's a relief at the same time to know they're not suffering anymore.

Derek and I began to stand in a comfortable silence as we fished. The only thing that could be heard is the ocean waves as my mind began to wonder and I became lost in my thoughts.

"What are you thinking about? You look like there's something on your mind" Derek says snapping me out of my thoughts

"Just life and how things used to be so much simpler" I say

"I'm not sure if things have ever been simple in Seattle" he says

"Yeah, you're right. There's always been some type of love triangle or drama at that hospital. Do you remember that time we were on an elevator and Meredith, Addison, and Rose all got on there at the same time. That was the ultimate love triangle" I laugh as I think about it

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