Chapter 30

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Liliana's pov

"I'm so ready to go home." I sighed. Its been a whole week and a half since I woke up and all of my vitals are where they need to be now. Of course I'm still really sore and I can't really walk because of my ACL eve though I've been rushing the healing process and walking, well wobbling a little.

"You'll get to go home soon. We just want to make sure you're healthy enough to leave before we release you." Derek says.

"I know."

"Cheer up. Your conditions been improving everyday."

"I know and believe me I'm happy it is, but I'm ready to get out of here and get back to surgery. I'm falling behind. I mean take today for example, all of the other 5th year residents are rotating in as lead surgeons for the first time, but what will I be doing? Laying in this bed watching talk shows because that's all that seems to come on television anymore, now do I strike you as the type that enjoys laying in bed all day watching middle aged ladies gossip like hormonal teenagers?" I ask making Derek laugh.

"You need to be positive, this is just temporary. You'll be back operating before you know it and you're ahead of everyone else anyways. Nelson and I have pretty much let you take over as lead surgeon since you started 5th year." Derek reminds me.

"I know, but still I should be in that OR with you clipping that aneurysm today." I say.

"Believe me, I wish you were. I don't know how Meredith and I are going to make it through the surgery today. Everytime I see her it makes me think about the trial and Zola and I just get angry." He frowns.

"I understand how you feel, but you two love each other. You're going to get through this and you're going to get Zola back." I tell him.

"I hope so." He sighs, before his pager goes off.

"Surgery awaits. I'll be back to check on you." He says.

"Okay, have fun saving lives." I say making him smirk as he walks out of my room before Jackson walks in a couple of minutes later dressed in his blue scrubs. A couple of days ago after a lot of convincing I finally got him to start back working. I didn't see a reason for us to both be falling behind.

"What surgery did you get?" I ask excitedly. This surgery is a big deal, it's the first surgery he'll get to lead on.

"Well hey nice to see you too." Jackson jokes sitting by me on the bed and giving me a kiss.

"Hey my wonderful handsome boyfriend, now what surgery did you get?"

"A cheilioplasty. I'm changing a kids life today." He smiles.

"Yes you are. This is your second day on plastics. Mark must really like you, because he normally kicks residents off his service before the day ends." I say.

"He's actually not to bad. I like working with him."

"I told you once you got to know him, you'd like him." I smirk.

"Yeah, you were right."

"I know, I always am." I smile.

"Humble much." Jackson laughs,

"You know humility isn't a strong characteristic of mine." I shrug.

"That I know. Now while I'm operating I don't want you trying to convince the nurses to let you walk around the hospital. You've already had physical therapy this morning, so you need to relax for the rest of the day."

"Yes sir." I say.

"Liliana, I'm serious. I don't want you overworking yourself."

"I will stay in bed and relax, I promise Avery." I smile.

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