Chapter 87

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Liliana's pov

"Sweetheart, don't cry." Jackson says sitting beside me on the bed

"I'm not crying" I sniffled wiping away the tears that continued to fall contradicting what I just said.

"Yes, you are." He sighs. "I thought you were happy that Derek decided to take the job." He says. Last night after work Derek made the decision to take the job in D.C. He needed to leave immediately so he packed his bags and went to the airport to catch a flight out right after he made his decision. I was shocked when he called me and told me he was on his way to the airport last night, I mean I knew there was a possibility that he would take the job this time but I thought that if he did make the decision to move to D.C. it would take more then one night. I didn't expect for him to just pick up and leave. I really didn't expect for him to leave at all. I thought he would ultimately decide to stay in Seattle, but obviously I was wrong. Of course last night, when he called me saying that he decided to take the job, I couldn't be selfish and tell him that I really wanted him to stay in Seattle, so I sucked it up, and pretended that I was happy even though I'm not at all.

"It's called pretending, Jackson. I mean what kind of best friend would I be if I tried to get Derek to stay in Seattle when the freaking president of the United States offered him a second opportunity to take a job in D.C.?" I huffed in frustration.

"Lily, it's not like you're never going to see Derek again. I'm sure he's going to come back to visit all of the time, since Mer and the kids are still here, and you two can still facetime and call each other everyday." He says attempting to cheer me up.

"It's not the same. I'm used to seeing him in person everyday. He's my best friend. I always see him at work and when one of us has the day off we always stop by the other ones house before the day ends, and what about when I have a personal emergency at work? Who am I going to page 912 now." I sniffled beginning to cry again. Normally I could keep it together, but pregnancy hormones made my emotions ridiculous and I was so sensitive now.

"You're not going to be alone. You still have me and I'm not going anywhere." He reminds me.

"I know and I appreciate it and I'm so thankful for you, but it's just...I'm really going to miss having Derek around all the time. He's been in my life since I moved to Seattle and I don't know what to do without him around." I sighed sadly.

"I know." He sighs wrapping an arm around me allowing me to lay on his chest.

"I'm sorry for being so emotional. It's just I've never honestly thought about how it would feel for Derek to up and leave. To live somewhere else. I mean everytime either one of us had plans to move in the past, something always happened to stop them, but this time Derek is actually gone. He's in D.C." I said letting those words sink in.

"You don't need to apologize. Your best friend just made the decision to move across country overnight. You're allowed to be sad."

"Thanks for being so understanding"

"I'm your husband. It's my job to be understanding." He smiles

"I guess it's time for me to stop sitting here feeling bad for myself and get ready for work, if we don't want to be late" I sigh looking over at the clock as I stand up.

"Okay, I'll go cook us some breakfast" he says

"You're the best" I smile before going to get ready for work. After I finish getting dressed, I go to the kitchen to eat breakfast, before Jackson and I leave for work.

"So have you figured out the approach you're going to use to operate on Herman's tumor" I ask Amelia as we walk through the hallway.

"No, I'm still working on my approach. I'm actually going to run some more scans today so I can get to know this tumor better" she says

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