Chapter 32

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Liliana's pov

"Fifth year is the hardest year of residency. Every surgery you do will go on your record, the wins and the losses. In just a few months you will.." Owen says. He was giving all of the 5th year residents a speech about the importance of this year.

"What did I miss?" Mer asks walking in wearing a pair of pink scrubs and taking a seat as Owen continues his speech.

"You're in OB? Oh, how the mighty have fallen." Jackson says making me slap him on the arm.

"Don't be rude." I scold him.

"She misses Zola, her uterus hurts." Alex says.

"Oh, leave her alone dirtbag." Cristina says to Alex. "You are embarrassing me." She whispers to Meredith.

"I'm getting to deliver babies. I'm making life, you know." Meredith says.

"Yeah, you know what, you're making me gag. Okay, slumming it in OB for a few weeks is okay, whatever, but wearing the vagina squad scrubs in public it's uh, we have standards Meredith." Cristina says before we turn our attention back to Owen.

"It is extremely important that you rack up as many good outcomes as possible for your boards. I am implementing a system. I will receive an email if any of you exceed more than ten bad outcomes in your OR. Ten, any more is unacceptable. Welcome Dr. Kepner." He says as April walks in late.

"Sorry, I got stuck in the lab with Bailey." April says.

"I don't care where you were. I care that you already have, let's see uh, two bad outcomes in your OR." Owen says.

"Loser." Alex smirks.

"Of course that's nothing compared to Karev's impressive five bad outcomes." Owen side eyes Alex.

"I keep getting dud patients." Alex says defending himself.

"Tell that to your board examiner. The point people is to keep your bad outcomes to a minimum or you will be hard-pressed to find a fellowship next year."

"Who are you texting?" I ask Cristina seeing her typing on her phone.

"Who do you think?" She smirks, before Owen's phone dings and he checks it.

"Dr. Yang are you sure you're getting all of this down?" He asks.

"Bad outcomes are bad, which is why I have zero so far, a perfect record I plan to continue during my Ortho rotation this week. No one dies during a hip replacement." Cristina says.

"Let's hope." Owen says before dismissing us. I go find Derek since today is my first day back on his service.

"Liliana, thank god you're back on my service." He says as I walk up to him.

"Aw, you missed me." I laugh.

"Of course I did. I always forget how clueless the other residents are until they end up on my service. I would specifically tell them I need 17 towels in the OR at all times and to separate the macrodissectors from the micros, which they always failed to do. And none of them knew how to go in and make the incisions like I like it, I don't know where they learned there technique from." He grumbles.

"What can I say, not everyone works the way we do." I shrug.

"You got that right." He nods.

"So what do we have scheduled for today?" I ask him.

"A bunch of boring cases."

"Boring is good, boring has less bad outcomes which is the last thing I need right now." I say before Derek gives me the chart, so I can go check the patients vitals. After I finish checking everyone's vitals I start walking back to the front desk until Meredith pages me 911, so I go to the labor and delivery floor to see what she needs.

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