Chapter 64

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Later that night

"How are you doing?" I ask rushing into Meredith's room. Her water had just broken and she was officially in labor.

"I'm in pain." She groans as she leans on the bed, breathing through a contraction.

"The miracle of life." I say making her glare at me.

"Where's Derek?" I ask Cristina as she rubs Meredith's back.

"He went to get more ice chips." Cristina says.

"How's your pain? Rate it?" I say to Meredith.

"It's a 8. No, a 9." She says taking deep breaths until her contraction passes.

"Dammit." I mumble a short while later when my pager goes off.

"Hey, it's fine go. Cristina and I got this." Derek, who had recently gotten back to the rooms says.

"Okay, I'll be back as soon I can. Hang in there Mer." I say walking out of the room. As I'm walking down the hallway the power goes out, leaving the hallway dark.

"Oh great." I grumble. The weather is getting worse and worse as the night goes on, well technically the morning, since it's like 1 am now.

"What do you need?" I ask Jackson when I find him in the lobby crowded with people, who came to the hospital for shelter from the storm.

"We need all the doctors that are available to help us run this E.R., it's already packed and there's no telling how many more..." Jackson says before being interrupted mid sentence by a loud crash as we see a bus crashing outside the hospital, shocking everyone and causing chatter to feel the dark lobby.

"Oh my god." Callie and I gasp as the bus continues to slide after flipping on to its side, then it catches on fire. We all immediately run outside in the pouring rain, beginning to try to get the passengers off as fast as we can.

"I smell gas." I say loudly over the sound of rain.

"There's a fuel leak somewhere." Matthew says.

"This things going to blow pretty soon." I squint looking at the small flame that was beginning to spread. "Be careful." I shout to Jackson who's on top of the bus helping a man get out.

"I am." He assures me before I begin helping a lady onto a gurney

"Okay, I need everyone away from this fire." Owen says.

"Let me get you inside." I tell the lady I'm helping before rushing her inside and beginning to help tend to the many injured patients filling the hospital. The E.R. was already full before the crash, but now it was overflowing with people. I can tell this is going to be a long night.

"Where are the pain meds? I have patients in pain over here." I say to Bailey as she walks into the E.R. as we tend to patients.

"I tried to get the meds, but the machine won't open without power. I can't get it open." She says.

"Alright, never mind that. I've got at least two open fractures and some nasty lacerations." Callie says as Dr. Bailey freezes up from nervousness, which she does a lot. Ever since everything that happened with her patients, she still hasn't started back operating yet. She's to scared to even touch patients even though she's been cleared.

"Uh, you need meds. I'll figure out the meds. Murphy." She says before her and Leah walk away and I continue to help work on multiple patients.

"Where's Jackson? He's supposed to be with you." I ask Owen a little while later when I see him and Callie running in with a patient. When I was outside earlier, Jackson was with Owen tending to people on the bus, so I assumed he would still be with him.

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