Chapter 33

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Liliana's pov

"I am not letting you talk me into a quickie in the car before work again. I'm pretty sure Webber saw us and now I'm exhausted and my shift hasn't even started yet." I say making Jackson laugh as we get dressed in our scrubs.

"Stop complaining, you know you enjoyed it." He he smirks kissing me.

"I did, very much." I smile "Are you excited to perform your first cross facial nerve graph today?" I ask.

"Yeah, Mark's had me prepping for this surgery for weeks now. I can't wait to actually perform it. What does Shepherd have you doing today?"

"I'm actually with Bailey, I don't know why, but she specifically requested me." I shrug.

"Must be something big."

"Yeah, I guess. I'm about to go meet her, catch you later." I say kissing him before going to meet Bailey at the front desk.

"Dr. Bailey, you requested me." I say.

"Yes, follow me Garcia. This is a very important patient, I unfortunately have a very full schedule today and you're the only resident I trust to be my proxy plus the patient specifically asked for you. No one touches this patient but you. You will run every test I ask for, you will report every result back to me personally. This woman has lost a husband and son in this hospital. I will not have another O'Malley lost under this roof." She sighs.

"Mama O'Malley is our VIP?" I ask before we walk into her room.

"Liliana Garcia." She smiles seeing me.

"Just as you requested." Dr. Bailey smiles.

"It's been so long and it looks like you've gotten even more beautiful since I last saw you. Come over here and give me a hug." She says.

"Mama O'Malley it has been a while, I've missed you." I say walking over to her and hugging her. "Now let's see what's going on here, your chart says you had surgery three weeks ago at Seattle Pres for gallbladder removal."

"I've gone back there a couple of times and they always tell me I'm fine and send me back home."

"Bring me a 20 gauge just in case and benzoin and you know, it's freezing in here have someone take a look at the thermostat." Dr. Bailey tells a nurse.

"Yes doctor." The nurse nods.

"I'm going to apply some pressure to your abdomen and you let me know if you feel any discomfort, okay." I tell her before I start examining her.

"The boys insisted I do my surgery somewhere else, after what happened here with Harold and Georgie." She winces as I apply pressure.

"She's got some midepigastric tenderness, we should check that gallbladder." I say.

"Have you been experiencing any fevers at all Louise? Any pain, vomiting?" Dr. Bailey asks.

"Yes actually I have." She says smiling at me.

"Mama O'Malley those aren't good signs." I say.

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just, you don't know how proud it makes me to have you as my doctor. It feels like just yesterday you and Georgie were interns coming to my house on the weekends for dinner and now you're my doctor. You're all grown up." She smiles.

"Thank you, it's my pleasure to be your doctor today." I smile.

"Garcia, let's get a C.T., C.B.C, lyres and a liver panel and let's get another couple of blankets." Dr. Bailey says.

"Okay." I nod.

"I kept hearing Georgie's voice saying, mom, get a second opinion, go to Seattle Grace they'll take care you" Mama O'Malley says.

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