Chapter 17

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10 weeks later

Liliana's pov

"Are you sure you're ready to start back working today?" Jackson asks.

"For the thousandth time yes. It's not that big of a deal. Alex and Derek returned like 2 weeks ago." I replied chewing on a piece of toast. Jackson has been following me around all morning asking me if I was sure I'm ready to return to work since today is my first day back. I know he's just worried about me, but the constant hovering is really irritating me. I feel like we're both on edge since we've been around each other pretty much 24/7 since the shooting because he insisted I move in with him while I recovered because he didn't want to let me out of his sight.

"If you're done checking on me can we go to work now?" I ask.

"Sure." He mumbles heading to the car.

We made it to the hospital and it felt so different being there. This was my first time back since the shooting. A part of me felt sick thinking about everything that had happened last time I was here.

"Hey, you okay?" Jackson asked seeing me frozen in front of the entrance of the hospital.

"Yeah." " I lie.

We walk in and show our ID's to the security at the front door before going to the locker room.

"I can tell, you're not really okay." Jackson says.

"Jackson please don't start." I sigh.

"Why are you acting like this?" He frowns.

"Like what?"

"Shutting me out and not letting me help you."

"Because I don't need help, I need for you to stop babying me." I say.

"I'm not trying to baby you.?I'm trying to make sure you're okay. Since the shooting happened you barely talk to me. I'm trying to be there for you." He sighs.

"Well I'm fine. Now I need to go find Derek and get to work." I say before walking away. Derek quit his job as Chief as soon as he returned to work and was back to being the head of neuro, so I was going to be on his service all the time like before which I'm really happy about. I go meet Derek in the CT room to look at some scans he has hanging up.

"Welcome back." Derek smiles as I walk in.

"Thanks, I'm glad to be back.  I was about to go crazy being stuck in the apartment all day." I sigh.

"I'm glad to have you back. All of the other residents I had on my service were clueless." He says making me laugh,

"Were they really clueless or were they just not up to par with the high standards of Derek Shepherd." I joke.

"Hahaha funny." He says sarcastically.

"I know." I smile.

"So how have you been since everything happened?" He asks.

"I really don't want to talk about anything having to do with the shooting right now. It's already hard enough being back." I sigh.

"I understand where you're coming from." He nods before our pagers go off. He had to go the conference room and the residents needed to meet in our locker room.

"What's this about?" I ask Jackson sitting down beside him.

"Chief has some big project for us." He shrugs. I guess he's upset about my attitude this morning, so I just turn around to talk to Meredith until Chief comes in and starts handing out navy blue scrubs.

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