Chapter 82

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Liliana's pov

"Hey, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Lebackes' at his clinic?" I ask Alex when I see him in the hallway.

"Yeah, but I have a surgery here today." He says as we walk through the hallway.

"Well it's nice to have you around today evil spawn." I smile making him laugh.

"I texted you earlier." Meredith says joining Alex and I as we walk through the hallway.

"Yeah, I know I was busy." He says.

"Well Cristina would've responded. That's not how it works." Meredith says. Since Cristina left for Zurich, Alex is supposed to be Meredith's person, so that she won't get lonely without her around.

"Not if she was doing what I was doing." He smirks.

"You pause that's the rule." She says.

"What?" He frowns.

"If the text is urgent, Cristina would say to Owen, pause and I would say to Derek pause and we'd text each other back." She explains.

"In the middle of sex?"

"Yeah, if the text is urgent." She shrugs.

"That's not normal." Alex says.

"Yes it is. Derek and Lily follow the same rule." Meredith says.

"Really!" Alex asks looking over at me,

"Yeah. We have a special ringtone for emergency situations and if that ringtone goes off in the middle of sex, you have to pause and text back. It's the rule." I say.

"There's no way I'm doing that." Alex says making me laugh.

"Well I really would love to listen to the rest of this conversation, but I need to go save a life." I smirk as my pager goes off and I leave to meet April in the E.R.

"I got a page." I say walking over to April who's talking to a little boy and his mother.

"Can you guys wait over there? I'll see what I can give out." She says to them. "Come with me." She says before I follow her to an examination room where Derek is working on the patient.

"Good, you're here. There's to much blood to do the ventric. Can you help?" He asks me.

"Geez, he belongs to them?" I ask April looking at the patient's family in the waiting area. The patient has a deep head gash and an obvious skull fracture.

"Yep." April says.

"Oh, damn it. B.P.'s 220 over 123. He's bradying down." Derek says as I walk over to him and begin helping. Derek was really supposed to be in Washington D.C. by now, but Meredith changed her mind about moving because she wants to advance her career as a surgeon in Seattle and she doesn't want to uproot the kids from their home, so Derek hasn't left yet but he's still supposed to leave soon. Even though I'll be sad when he moves, I'm happy he's getting this opportunity.

"The family's asking for an update. Is there anything I could tell them now?" April asks us.

"Nothing good." I say as Derek and I continue working on the patient. We get him stable enough to move and we take him to the O.R.

"This is nice. Getting to work together again." I say as Derek and I operate.

"Yeah, it is. We haven't gotten to operate together in a while." He says.

"I know. This is probably the last time we're going to get to do this, since you're leaving soon. When are you leaving for D.C. anyway?" I ask.

"I haven't picked an exact date yet, but I'll be leaving soon."

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