Chapter 59

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Liliana's pov

The day has finally come, it's officially my wedding day. The day that I get to marry the love of my life. I can't lie, I'm actually really nervous. I don't think the reality that I'm getting married really hit me until this morning. Part of me never thought this day would come. After so many losses and horrible events in my life, I had given up on love, I thought I didn't deserve it, because it never lasted, but today I'm committing to forever with the man of my dreams. The only words that keep running through my head are the words my mom said to me as she began to get sicker and sicker, she told me "Mija, don't let pain and hurt 'cause you to stop feeling. I know the pain of loss can make you want to shut down and never love again, but that's not what I want for you. I want you to love, I want you to one day meet a man that will treat you like the queen I've raised you to be, and most of all I want you to be happy." All of those things have become true and I know if she was here she'd be so excited and happy for me today.

"10 minutes everyone, it's almost show time." Catherine says excitedly, before walking out to go check in on Jackson and the groomsmen.

"You look so beautiful." April smiles and everyone nods their head in agreement.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Now are you sure you want to do this, because it's not to late to run." Cristina says making everyone glare at her.

"Really?" Meredith frowns.

"You're not supposed to ask that." Arizona says scolding her.

"Hey, I had to make sure." Cristina smirks.

"Well no I do not want to run." I reply. "At least I don't think I do." I add, saying that last part in my head:

"Can I get a moment alone with the bride. I have something for her." Derek says

"Yeah, we'll go ahead and get lined up for the ceremony. We'll see you out there Mrs. Avery." Callie smiles as her and the rest of my bridesmaids walk out of the room closing the door behind them, leaving just me and Derek in the room.

"Jackson wanted me to make sure you read this before the wedding." Derek says handing me a folded letter. I open it and begin to read it.

Our day is finally here. After months of wedding planning and dealing with my crazy mother through the process, it's here. We get to commit to forever with each other in front of all of our friends and family. I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle looking beautiful as always and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, the woman I love.

"Oh my god, this is so sweet. Jackson is so sweet and perfect." I say blinking back tears after I read the letter.

"Hey, hey, hey no crying. You don't want to mess up your makeup." Derek reminds me. "I can't believe I just said that." He sighs making me laugh, before a moment of panic sets in.

"Derek, what if I'm making a mistake?" I ask.

"What? You're not. You love Jackson" Derek says.

"I know, it's just he's perfect. He's handsome, he's brilliant, he's sweet, and he's caring." I say.

"So what's the problem?" Derek asks.

"Me, I'm the problem. I'm like a tornado or a freaking tsunami. I ruin everyone around me, it's like I'm bad luck or something. Most of the people that are supposed to be in my life have died or they didn't stick around and that doesn't just happen I mean..." I begin to ramble and pace around, before Derek stops me, grabbing my arms gently to keep me from pacing.

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