Chapter 85

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Liliana's pov

"Thank you so much for helping me with this. I do brain surgery everyday, so you would not think that it would be this difficult to put together a simple crib." I sigh as Derek and I look at the finished crib. I still have a little while until I have the baby, but I've just been so excited that I really wanted to start the nursery. Even though I decided that I don't want to know the baby's gender until he or she's born, I still figured there's no reason for me to wait to start decorating the nursery since we're sticking with neutral colors. Derek went with me to buy some things for the nursery earlier this week and we decided to set everything up today.

"You don't have to thank me. You know I don't mind helping you." He smiles as we sit in the nursery.

"Everything came together really nice. I can't wait for Jackson to see it tonight." I smile excitedly as I look around the nursery. I was originally going to get Jackson to help me pick out everything for the nursery, but when we went to the baby store I can tell that being around all of the baby stuff was really making him more nervous then he already is, so that's why I got Derek to go with me instead to pick out everything and I'm going to show Jackson the nursery now that it's finished once he gets home tonight.

"Yes, it did. Speaking of Avery, how does he feel about becoming a dad?" He asks me.

"He's happy, but I can tell he's really nervous at the same time. I'm pretty sure we've both bought every parenting book ever made, even though I'm not really sure if they'll really help us prepare for the baby." I say.

"Parenting is unpredictable, you can never really prepare or know what to expect. You just have to take it one day at a time"

"Well that's comforting." I say sarcastically.

"Parenting always is." He smirks. "I know you're nervous which is to be expected, but how do you feel physically?"

"Well I can't get a full nights sleep anymore because everytime I get comfortable I have to get up to pee and my back aches all of the time, and my feet are almost always swollen, so physically I feel like crap most of the time, but I don't mind because I know it'll all be worth it in the end." I say.

"That's a positive way to look at things." He says.

"I know. I'm trying this new thing where I try to have a positive outlook on life. I want to be all bright and bubbly instead of dark and twisty by the time the baby gets here." I sigh.

"You're not entirely dark and twisty. You have bright and bubbly moments." He smirks.

"Thanks, I guess." I smirk. "Oh, you know what? I just thought about something, I'll be right back." I say before leaving the room and grabbing something from the living room that I found the other day and bringing it back with me to the nursery. "I was organizing things around the house earlier this week and look at what I came across." I smile walking back into the room and sitting beside Derek as I hand him a photo album.

"I didn't know you kept these." He smiles as he opens the photo album. Derek's always been into taking photos of different moments that have happened through the years, even the ones that I thought were minor at the time, but now I actually appreciate having photos of different milestones in life.

"Of course I kept them. I didn't realize we had so many photos together until I started looking through them." I smile as we look through the photos.

"I remember this Thanksgiving. We pretended we were operating when we were cooking the turkey." He laughs as we look at a picture of us in the kitchen during Thanksgiving a couple of years ago.

"It's the only thing that made all of the cooking we did that day bearable, well all of the cooking you did. I'm pretty sure I just sat there and watched." I laugh.

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