Chapter 2

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"That was all I saw of them for the rest of the week." I told my therapist for the tenth time. Well he asked me every day about the boys ever since I mentioned the encounter.

"How is your relationship with your friends?" Dr.Cranfield asked me.
"Fine actually. Jessie still makes me send her a picture every day. Just like you make me answer the same questions every day." I said tired.
"Isabelle I can't help you if you don't let me." He said sighing. He has wrinkles on his forehead. Athough he couldn't be any more than 30 years.
"Thats the thing, Dr. Cranfield.  I don't need your help" I said matter of factly. "I am better now"
He let out another sigh, frustrated with me. "Okay then. I'll let you go."
"Really?" I raised my eyebrows,  surprised by how easily he gave in.
"Yes." I started getting up, before he continued. "But.." I sat back down, groaning.
"But after you tell me about what happened"
"I'm sure my father filled you in on the whole thing." I said laying my head back on the couch.
"Yes but you saying it out loud will bring closure. And will convince me that you are in fact better now." He said keeping his voice extremely steady. "And what I want to know is how you feel. How about you take me along how it began?"

I bit my lips,knowing fully that i could not go through that again. Taking my silence as a white flag, or whatever, Dr.Cranfield took some notes on his yellow note pad. Whatever it was that he wrote, once he was done, he looked upto me and said. "Okay lets take this slow. Tell me about your school."
"My school is back in Los Angeles." I basically growled at him.
"Okay then, tell me about Kingston High School."
"I don't know whats there to tell. They have horrible food. And don't get me started on that stupid name of the school. And the school is so tiny. But then again, this isn't LA. So."
"I understand. But once you get used to the town, I think you'll like it. I find it rather mesmerising." Dr. Cranfield said.
"Well that's you. Not me" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Tell me Isabelle, have you made any friends?"
"I think I am fine with Jessica." I laughed sarcastically.
"What about other friends?"
"Well i never had the need for tons of friends" I replied. Seeing the firm look on Dr. Cranfield's face I added, "why would anyone need new friends when you have a friend who calls you every day...and a friend who's out there rocking holllywood and not talking to you." I sighed.
"So he still hasn't-"
"No he hasn't"
"But Isabelle, I am talking about new friends from KHS."
"I dont have any."
"Have you tried talking?"
"Why not?"
"Just because."
"Isabelle that is not a proper answer."
"Well what do you want me to tell you?"
"I want you to to speak your mind"
"Okay. You've got to give me my space
So quick to calling my name
Boy you better recognize
My love is one of a kind" I sang.

"Isabelle you have a very lovely voice. We can talk about your music if you would prefer." There was no winning with this guy.

After what felt like a thousand days of talking, I walked out of the office to see my brother waiting in the car for me. I gave him a little smile, getting in the passenger seat.
"So, how was therapy?" Steven asked me. I shrugged my shoulders taking out my ipod and playing Eminem.

I knew steven wanted to study back in LA as much as I did, if not more. He has amazing friends and a very beautiful girlfriend back there. I hated that I am the reason they moved to this stupid town. I hated that my brother had to change university mid course. I hated that my father had to travel so much, as he was needed at the headquarters which was set up in LA. I hated that he had to work with the stupid people in this stupid town in the stupid office that had been set up here. I hated myself. I hated that I can't talk to my brother anymore. I hated what I did. I hated living with the guilt. With the pain. With the disappointment I have caused to everyone who ever cared about me.

"What are you thinking about?" Steven asked me.
"I'm not thinking" I replied quickly.
"Yeah you are" he said. Well there was no point lying to him anyway. You see, Steven and I used to be really really close, given that he is just a year older than me and everything. He knows me better than anyone else in the whole world. Even more than my dad.
"We have been here for almost 5 minutes, Izzie" that made me look around, I hadn't realized that the car had stopped moving. I practically jumped out of the car as fast as I could. After walking a little distance, I turned around and called my brother. "You, uh, you wanna go see a movie tonight, after dinner?" He nodded, as he drove away I could see a smile appearing on his face.

The classes before lunch were alright. I sometimes wish I was one of those people who could love studying as much as clothes. But I can't even pay attention to the lessons for more than 15 minutes.
I entered the cafeteria and waited in the line to get some food. I took a water bottle and an apple so that I won't die by the time the day ends. God I hate the food here. I went and sat alone in that table I sat every day last week. I took a bite from the apple, as a group of girls in cheerleading outfits walked past me. The girl in the middle turned around and scoffed at me before leaving. She whispered something to her friends making them giggle.
"Bitch" I muttered under my breath. That made the girls turn around and come back to my table. I swear to god this girl has the ears of a bat or something.

"What were you saying?" The blondie in the middle asked me, more like challeged me to say it again. I have seen girls like this. I have faced girls like this, I was one of these girls. I knew that I do not want to deal with a psychotic bitch this year. I just want to finish stupid school and move abroad or back to LA.
"I didn't say anything." I said looking up at her face, which I swear was all dolled up. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against make up. A little make up on your face is infact, what I like. But this girl, she had a face on her makeup.

"Look, loser. I'm gonna let that slide because you are clearly new to this school. Things work my way. And if you try to defy me, believe me when I say, I can make your life a living hell. I'll make it harder than you ever thought possible." She threatened me. Defy. What kind of people even say that anymore.
"I highly doubt thats possible. But whatever." I said. Before she could reply, my phone started ringing. I picked it up, not even bothering to excuse myself, leaving 5 girls gaping and fuming at me.

"Hey jess."
"Hey Izz" I heard her little voice say at the other end. Jessica, has the voice of a 12 year old. Which is very cute if you ask me. "Took your meds?"
"Yeah. Last week of taking those. I swear they are droplets from tartarus." I said.
"Oh please. You know it is good." Jessica laughed. I noticed the cheerleaders were still staring at me, as if daring me to go on. So I took my bag and water bottle as I got up and started walking.

"So, how is LA?" I asked feeling homesick.
"Its good. I met Liam Hemsworth yesterday." She replied. "Remember that time we ran into Chris Hemsworth?"
"Ofcourse. That was one hell of a day. Hey, I'll call you back later okay?" I said sitting under a tree right next to the soccer field. I didn't really have anything to do. But i didn't feel like talking anymore. I have done enough talking to last a lifetime. After a minute of love you's and miss you's Jessica hung up the phone.

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