Chapter 25

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Friday came soon. I had already set up the meeting with Ivan and Lee, who had amazing songs ready. Ivan would probably break the guy into pieces by the time he's done teaching him. Kyle was busy with work after school, so I wanted to walk home. Fortunately Nathan joined me, due to Nora taking his car to go pick Lucy up. I did not understand how that girl was so close to a bunch of high schoolers.
"So your mom owns one of the best record labels. And your dad is one of the most demanded weapons designers. Any other famous people I should know about?" Nathan asked, jokingly.
"Mom owned. She passed away" I said giving him a light smile.
"I'm so sorry." Nathan said looking at me. "What happened? Was she sick?"
"No. Car accident" I replied as simply as I could.
"You wanna talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head no. "Okay. I'm here if you need to, alright?"
"Do you know Emma? From literature class?" Nathan asked.
"The one with the pink highlights?" I asked.
"Yeah. I have a date with her tonight. Any pointers?"
"Oh yeah. Uh, buy her flowers?"
"That will make it easier to score?" He asked horrified.
"You're asking me to give you pointers on how to get her to sleep with you?" I asked horrified. "You are a pervert"
"No I'm not"
"Just last week you were sleeping with Donut number 3 from Venessa's squad" I pointed.
"Well that was last week."
"Okay whore"
"I'm not a whore either. I just like sex. There's nothing wrong with that" Nathan winked at me."Fine playboy then. God this school is messed up." I laghed.
I mean that was true. No one has ever seen Nathan with the same girl for more than a week. Apparently there was a girl once upon a time. Way before high school. He was the playboy of the school. I always thought the most famous person was it. Which isn't, because Ashton is the captian of the soccer team and the It Boy, if thats even a thing. He was famous with the girls for some reason. He had this on-off thing with Venessa. She is all over Ashton, its pathetic. And then theres Kyle. The Bad Boy. No friends, no girlfriends. Although some of the girls claim that they had slept with him. Which I didn't ask him as I didn't wanna seem like the crazy obsessed stalker girlfriend

Walking with Nathan was one of my favourite things to do. He was sweet and funny. I could see why all the girls slept with him, despite knowing what he was like.
Soon I got home, I sat near the dining table along with a glass of orange juice and a sandwich. Steven had gone to Chigaco for a bussiness meeting or something with dad. 'With dad' meaning, he sends a plane to get steven and seeing him like an hour before the meeting. As Steven was dad's successor, he had started taking Steven to meetings and to the office so that he can see how things worked. Steven was really smart, and he was a naturale at those stuff related to the company.

I was almost done with my homework when my phone started ringing. It was an unsaved number. I sent it right to voice mail. He called me a couple more times. I clicked the play button on the voice message he had left.
"Izz, hey. I just wanted to tell you that I miss you. And I love you. I really want to hear your voice. Call me. Please"

Deleting the message, I went back to my work. And then came the knocking on the door. What does a girl need to do to finish her work without getting interrupted.

I opened the door to find Nora and Lucy standing.
"Hey" Lucy hugged me, she was as big of a hugger as Lee.
"Hi. What are you guys doing here?" I asked leading them to the kitchen. Putting my head in the refrigerator, I started looking through it again.
"I have 1 beer, half a bottle of champagne, oh theres one more bottle. No its vodka. And orange juice. And theres coffee. If you know how to make it.  Because I totally don't. But I can make tea" I looked at them expectantly.
"You can bring all the alcohol tommorow when you go out with us" Lucy replied. I hadn't seen her in ages. It felt good to be invited though. I opened my mouth to say I was busy. But before I could let anything out of my mouth, Lucy informed that she wasn't going to take no for an answer.
"We'll come pick you up at 8 then. See ya." Lucy said skipping away, her long dark hair flowing like a river at night.

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