Chapter 28

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Finally Tuesday morning. That meant Dr.Cranfield. I was sitting on the lime green couch as usual. After a lot of convincing from Dr.Cranfield, I finally started talking about the things that happened before London. I realized that I had spent enough time with him to know that he genuinely wanted to help. I started opening up. With the accident. We spent the whole session talking about it, by the time it ended, my eyes were red and puffy from all the crying.

Putting on some make-up, trying to make myself more presentable, I walked towards school. I had Economics first period and I was so going to be late. And our teacher, Ms.Ridgemont is just a mean, foul, old lady.
And then there is the problem that Venessa is in our class. I just hated her so much.

"Why are you late?" Ms.Ridgemont asked the moment I set my foot in class.

"Sorry. My-uh-brother is out of town, so I didn't have a ride" my voice still cracked from all the crying.

"That is not an excuse. Detention after school" she said making me internally groan.

Steven was coming back and I was hoping to go to the airport to get him. Bye bye making my brother happy, hello sucky detention.

"I keep telling all of you to be in class 10 minutes before it starts. And if you can't do that, I suggest you stay home. Especially you Isabelle, you are late every day"

I took my seat, ignoring Nora who always sat next to me in this class. I took out my notepad and started sketching. My new obsession being clothes, I kept sketching different types of clothes. The skinny receptionist came into the class and said something to Ms.Ridgemont. She gave us some stupid warnings and folllowed the receptionist.

"Okay why are you late?" Nora asked me as soon and she was gone.

"Because I saw you going out like an hour before school. I just assumed you came here to the library, because the history paper is due tommorow"

"Shit I totally forgot about that. I had somewhere to go" I replied.

"Izz have you been crying? What happened?" Nora asked, soon and she noticed my eyes.

"Did Kyle finally come to his senses and break up with you?" Venessa turned around, with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"Kyle is single?" Davina, Vanessa's bestfriend, turned around, interested.

Catching her interest was really hard. She would make the top of the A list dumbasses. All she was, was just a pretty girl.
Make up, cheerleading and boys-the only thing she knew. And she was almost meaner than the Queen Bee herself. Atleast despite all those things, Venessa didn't need to flirt her way to pass exams.

"Seems like it, D." Venessa said smiling at her bestfriend.

"You see, Kyle Handerson and you dont belong in the same circle. He was just testing on you cause you are useless and he had to test his girl skills. He has been out of the game for too long" and then she flipped her hair. "Now he's going to go for someone more suitable. Me"

Davina has had a crush on Kyle for the longest time apparently. Since high school started. But evidently Kyle had never shown her any interest, while she still kept throwing herself at him. I opened my mouth to say something at her when Ms.Ridgemont came back.

Kyle had packed a sandwich for me, before he left to wherever it was he goes. Its not like he tells me about his whereabouts, but I trusted him. So I didn't need to know where he goes everyday. Although I can't deny that I get really worried and really curious. I stopped thinking about it and took out the magazines I got today.

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