Chapter 3

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As I sat next to the big tree, I noticed how beautiful the place was. The soccer field was surrounded by trees, greenery everywhere. Taking out my phone, I snapped a picture to post on instagram.

"She actually reminds me of Ashton" I heard a voice say.
"That loser? No way." I recognised the voice. I looked at the soccer field to see the jerks passing a ball around.
"Come on just admit it. She has that broody persona and that not giving a fuck aura. Like you" it was the light brown haired boy from literature class.
"Besides you're calling her a loser, have you seen the girl?" A red haired boy asked.
"She dresses fancier than Vanessa. Less slutty. But fancier." A dark skinned boy said. The four of them seemed to be different in personality. But they had one thing in common, they were all awfully handsome. Hot if I dare.
"I dont find her very attractive, if that's what you are saying." The black haired boy who yelled at me replied.
"Denial. You dont have to like her to admit that she's hot. Have you seen the ass on her?" Light brown haired boy said.

"Don't listen to those idiots." I heard a voice from next to me. There was a pretty girl sitting next to me. I hadn't noticed that she was there until she spoke. I took another look at her, admiring her lools. She had straight, light brown hair. She was so gorgeous. Her hazel eyes had a brightness in it that made her eyes look like they were shining.
"That is my brother. I'm 12 minutes older than him." She said pointing at the light brown haired dude. I smiled at her. "Oh I'm Nora. Nora storm." She said giving me a huge smile. You know the kind with all the teeth visible and everything.
"Isabelle Wilson" I said.

"Hey Pandora" one of the guys said as the four of them came upto us.
"Don't call me that Lee." She said hitting the red haired boy.  "When did you guys come back"
"Saturday." Noras brother replied.
"Oh. Nate why weren't you home then?" She asked.
"We partied at Sean's" Nate replied hitting the dark skinned boy. I noticed he had hazel eyes just like the twins. So the other one is Ashton I assumed.
Not feeling very welcome, I slowly got up and left.

Instead of calling my brother, I decided to walk home. Dr.Cranfield was right, the town was mesmerising. It was beautiful and green. Huge trees were everywhere. On the way home, I noticed a little pathway between the trees that led to somewhere, which I wanted to find out. When I made it to the end of the pathway, it was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. The place was filled with grass and there was a lake. Birds were around, the perfect getaway from the world.

I sat down on the grass pulling out a sketch book and pencils. Turning some music on, I started sketching the scenery. Drawing wasn't exactly my thing, but I guess you can say I am alright at that. I had the best art teacher back in MAAM.

By the time I was done with my sketch, the sky has started changing its colour. I hadn't realized how much time had passed, as I was engrossed in the piece. Putting my stuff back in my bag, I headed back home, bumping into someone. Again. I muttered an apology, walking faster.

"Hey. Its you." I looked around to see Nate running towards me with a soccer ball in his hand. I smiled and started walking even faster wanting nothing to do with this crowd.
"What were you doing in there?" He said catching up with me, and pulling my headphone off of my ears.
"Nothing." I said.
"I'm Nathan, by the way." He said smiling, more like grinning. I looked upto him and smiled. "This is the part where you tell me your name"
"Isabelle." I said sighing.
"Are you one of those good girls who stays away from all the badboys because they are mysterious and stuff?" He said winking at me.
"No." I muttered. God why won't he leave.
"Dont you have somewhere to go?" I asked him annoyed.
"Yeah home. I am going home." He said.

All throughout the walk, he kept asking me questions which I decided to ignore. But he didn't stop talking anyway. About after 7 minutes I reached home, with Nathan still behind me.
"Are you following me?" I asked, not letting him know that it was my home.
"No." Then he pointed at the last house on my block and made a 'tsk' sound and said, "my house"
"If anything you are following me" he said.
"I am infront of you" I said.
"Maybe you can read my mind. And you followed me with me behind you" he said. Making me slightly smile. That was when I noticed a very angry Steven on the doorway with his arms folded across his chest, looking right at us. "Bye " I said walking towards the door without waiting for his reply.
"What?" I heard him say confused.

I went into the house without bothering to speak to steven. I was halfway up the stairs when steven asked, rather harshly, " And where do you think you're going?"
"To my room" I said without looking at him.
"Get down here" he said "Now" he said louder, when I didn't stop. Steven almost never raises his voice. So naturally, no one ever ignored his loud voice. Not even dad.

I went and sat down next to the dining table with steven right behind me.
"Do you know the time?" Steven asked, still standing. I nodded my head. "Where the fuck were you, isabelle?"
"I-I lost track of time. I'm sorry." I said playing with my fingers.
"You're sorry? You're sorry? Do you know how worried we were?" When I didn't reply he sighed and sat infront of me.
"I drove around the town like an idiot looking all over for you Isabelle. And you're sorry?"
"I'm sorry" I repeated.
"Stop saying you're sorry. And answer me, where were you?"
"I was with a friend" it slipped out of my mouth. Because the moment they find out that I have been near the lake alone, they are gonna freak out.
"What friend?" He asked, a little calmer.
"Um-Nathan. He's uh, in my Literature class."
"The boy you came home with?"
"So you stayed with him all this time?"
"Izzie, you could've called and told me. Do you know how many times I called you? I was worried sick about you" he said holding my hand.
"My phone was in my bag. I'm sorry. I forgot that I am under supervision"
"Izzie, thats not it. You know what? Go get changed and we are going out to eat." He said.

I ran upstairs and logged into my Facebook account. The first thing I did was searching Nathan. I couldn't find his page. I tried Nora which I found pretty easily. I clicked the add friend button and waited for her to accept it. If I knew steven at all, he is going to ask Nathan if I was with him. Its not that he doesn't trust me, its that he can't trust me. Not surprising, because I have been caught in the lie so many times.
After waiting for like 10 minutes, I closed my laptop and walked into my closet to find a dress.

I decided to wear a short sleeved green-ish, brown-ish dress that had little squares on it. Tying my hair in a bun I looked at my reflection. After a few seconds I took out my hair straightener and straightened it. Running my hands down my bangs, I sighed. Maybe I should tie it in a bun after all.

(This but blonde👇 with blue eyes)

Taking out a black leather jacket, I put on jungle green ugg boots and went out

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Taking out a black leather jacket, I put on jungle green ugg boots and went out.

"Now you look like my sister" Steven smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

We went to a fancy French restaurant.
"Pass me the salt, Izzie" he asked me. As I passed it to him he held my hand and creased his eyebrows.
"Whats wrong?" I asked him.
"That.." he pointed at a scar that was on the inside of my upper arm. Neither Steven, nor dad had seen the scar. They knew I had it, but never seen it.
"Its uh" I cleared my throat "from the accident." The rest of the dinner was eaten in complete silence.

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