Chapter 19

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The ride home was pretty uncomfortable. No one really talked. Even when they did they kept staring at me, scared that a repeat of the earlier events might take place. Everyone went to Nora and Nathan's. Except me, as I had a date. That I couldn't wait for.

"I'll walk you home" Nathan said grabbing half of the shopping bags.
"You know, you and Ashton sometimes argue like an old married couple" Nathan said breaking the silence.
"Yeah. Ashton and I are just like a married couple" I said sarcastically.
"Look Izz. I can call you that right?" He confirmed before continuing. "I'm sorry about Ashton alright? He is never like this to anyone. At first we thought he just picked on you because he might like you. Which obviously we were wrong about. I'm really really sorry about him" I stared at him for a while before sighing.
"Nathan I don't need you to apologize for him. I don't care about what your friend did to me. I care about you not being there for me after what he did to me. I care about you not even giving me a chance to explain all of it. Nathan you weren't a friend to me. And the fact that you couldn't realize it on your own, shows how less of friends we really are"
We were at my place by the time. I took my bags from him and muttered a good night before walking into my house.

I got ready for the date, awfully fast. It was 18:47 and I kept staring at the clock, impatiently. I was so excited. The doorbell rang at exactly 1900 o'clock. Right on time. Not to seem too desperate, I stopped at the door for a second and opened it to find a grinning Kyle, with a single blue rose.
"Oh you're all dressed up. Where are you off to, my lady?" He asked.
"Oh just out, stable boy" I replied.
"If you come with me, my lady, you'll have the night of your life." He said holding his hand out for me.
"You're so great" I gave him a peck on the lips and walked with him. He came on his bike today. Thank god. I did not want to get in a car tonight.

 I did not want to get in a car tonight

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The date was so awesome. It wasn't a cliché romantic date. It was a childish, fun date. No guy has ever taken me on a fun date. It was always a dinner and a movie, or a museum or an art gallery or wine tasting or whatever. Just the boring stuff.

But Kyle had taken me to play laser tag, which I have never played before. I mean I have heard of it. But I have never played it. Until I was all geared up, I didn't have the guts to ask him what we were doing. Which I regretted because Kyle laughed at me for so long. He was so busy laughing, the dude who helped me get all equipped explained how it works. I hit him with my gun while he was laughing and then the game began.

After we finished laser tag, Kyle wanted to get some food and ice-cream. Which I agreed to and suggested a place.
"You wanna make ice-cream on our own instead?" He asked hesitantly.
"We'll have to find a kitchen" I replied.
"Why don't we go over to my place and make it?" He asked.
"Yeah okay." I said. "Wait, your place?" Kyle nodded his head.
"Yeah is that a problem?"he asked.
"No" I replied.
In about 15 mintes, we got food from a take away place after buying the things we needed to make ice-cream.

"No. I actually looked at him and asked him; how you doing'" Kyle was making ice-cream, and I was simply sitting on the kitchen counter with my legs folded.
"You hit on a guy using Joey Tribbiani's pickup line?" Kyle laughed.
"Oh yeah. And he just looks at me and goes 'doing what?'"
"Nooo" Kyle said in between his laughter.
"Yeah. He's kind of older. A bussiness partner of my dads."
"What?" This time Kyle sounded surprised with a pint of maybe judgement.
"That phase where older people were the shit. Besides he was at my place a lot."
"How old are we talking about?" Kyle asked after some thinking.
"Early 30's I guess" I replied amused.
"Whats his name?"
"Does it matter?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Did you guys.?"
"No. No. It never went that far"
"That far? Are you saying it went, close to far? He can go to jail for that"
"Are you jealous, Kyle Handerson?" I laughed wrapping my hands around his neck.
"Nooo" he looked away, slightly blushing. Look at that. The school's famous bad boy blushing.
"You are so cute" I said bringing his face close to mine.
"I wouldn't call myself 'cute'"
"You are a total cutie" I shushed him and kissed him getting an instant reaction from him. He was so good at this. He slightly bit my lip and moved his tounge along the area, making me open my mouth. After a while, he moved his lips away and moved to my neck, placing kisses all over. I opened my eyes -when I felt a presence in the room- to find a little girl staring at us.
"Kyle" I whispered. "We got an audience"
Kyle moved away and faced the little girl. She came upto us and looked at me. More like observed me.

"Hey baby" kyle hugged the little girl.
"Ky, Why were you biting the pretty lady?"
"Uh, she thought she had a pimple on her neck. So I was checking." Kyle lied fast.
"Hi, I'm Isabelle" I smiled at the girl. She has really pretty hair. Unlike Kyle, she had curly blonde hair.
"I'm Syl. I'm 7 now" she said proudly. "You are really pretty"
"I was gonna say that about you. I think you are prettier" I replied.
"Thankyou" she said climbing on a chair. Kyle put a single scoop of ice-cream infront of her and made her promise not to tell their mom.

"Ky?" She suddenly said.
"Yes Syl?" He looked up from his ice-cream.
"Is Isabelle your girlfriend?" She asked making me choke on my ice cream. If that was even possible.
"Um, well. She is uh-" Kyle wasn't sure how to answer that. Hell even I didn't know how to answer that. I mean, maybe its too soon for that. We are still on our 2nd date. But then again, we have been hanging out a lot lately, kyle was almost always with me. And when we weren't, we always text message.
"She is my very close friend" kyle finally replied.
"Oh. Why?" Syl asked.
"Because she is nice?"
"Well I think she should be your girlfriend" syl replied."And why is that?" I asked smiling.
"Because ky talks about you all the time. He never talks about girls" Syl replied. This was fun. Little kids almost never has filters.
"Oh really?" I asked looking at kyle.
"Yeah. Just the other day, I called him a butt because I am not allowed to say Ass"
"You just said it Syl" Kyle closed his eyes, knowing this was inevitable.
"Whatever butt. Anyway, then he wasn't angry with us anymore. And he said Isabelle calls me that" Syl said eating her ice-cream.
"And another day. Ky asked me to tie my hair in a high pony tail because Isabelle looks great in that hair style" Syl kept talking. "Oh and mom asked me to ask you to ask her about the money on your own."
With that Syl walked out of the room, wishing us a good night.
"She is too smart for her own good." Kyle laughed. "But she really has no sense of what to and what not to talk about" I smiled at him, not quite understanding what his sister just said. Kyle then sighed and asked me if I wanted to go to his room, which I agreed to.

Kyle gave me a peck on my lips and lead me to his room. I was kind of excited. This was the first time I was seeing his room. He has been in my room more times than I can count. He has been to my house even more times. Sometimes, even without me, Kyle would be at my place hanging out with Steven. But this was the first time I had been to his house. He opened his door, coming face to face with a tall male figure.

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