Chapter 13

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"I have a dad and the best brother in the whole world. My mom passed." I finished.

"Lets talk about your mother" Dr.Cranfield said after all of his nodding and everything.
"Okay" I said.
"How do you feel about her passing away?" He asked.
"How do you think? I hate it. I feel-" and then the timer went off. Meaning the hour was up.
"I'll be late for school. See you tommorow Doc" I said jumping up and hopping out. After walking a little bit further from the office, I called Kyle. After the third ring he picked up.

"Who the hell is this?" Kyle greeted.
"Nice." I laughed. He didn't say hello or hi or anything. Just straight to business.
"Wilson?" He recognized my voice. Wow. That was really impressive.
"Can you - like- give me a ride?" I asked him.
"Okay. Be there in like 5?" He said.
"Really 5?" I asked wondering how fast he has to ride to take just 5 minutes. "I'm not home. I'm walking."
I gave my location and walked until he came.

Dropping me off at school, he left claiming he had something to take care of. He promised to be here by the end of the day to take me back to home. He's so cute.
I skipped my way into Psychology class. Don't judge, I didnt have a lot of choices. It was either Psychology or French. I can speak fluent French, and I hated the whole grammar thing. So I chose Psychology.

"Sorry I'm late. I had an appointment" I stopped infront of the door.
"Come on in miss Wilson." Mrs.Black nodded. She was a very nice teacher. The subject was well suited for her.
"Self harm" I was making my way to my usual seat when Mrs.Balck spoke.
"What?" I turned around and asked.
"Todays topic. You are 10 minutes late." She said.
"Oh" I said taking my seat.
"Appointment?" I heard a voice from behind me. The one voice I hated the most.
"Yes!" I replied.
"Where? In the committee of spoiled Princesses?"
"No. With a doctor" i replied. I put my bag on my lap and pulled out my meds, taking another Prozac and popping it in my mouth as the effect was wearing off already.
"Are those tic-tacs?" Ashton asked. He was seated right behind me.
"Yes" I lied.

It was a very interesting topic. Mrs.Black explained the topic really well. How people go into depression and how to identify a depressed person. How depression turn into suicidal, and how to identify a suicidal person. Why it was so important to figure it out before it turns into suicidal. According to her, if paid enough attention, depression can be prevented as it starts happening.
"But that is really wrong right?" A junior asked.
"It depends on your perspective doesn't it? Does anyone want to weigh into what Miss Deri just said. I raised my hand before I could think of what I was doing.
"Yes" Mrs. Black said.
"Well. I think suicidal is the extreme form of hurt. When someone can't handle the lemons life throws. One can only squeeze so much right" I laughed. "Well I don't think hurt can be categorised into wrong and right. Because we don't know what they are going through. I think self harm is cause when they don't know where to turn to. When they don't see any other way. Because the rest of the world don't understand. And while it is wrong on many levels, I think the only right choice they see is self harm. For different people it is different reasons." I answered.
"Excellent point. Have you seen this happen?" She asked.
"No. Just books and movies" I smiled. I felt eyes on me and looked around to see Ashton staring at me with a weird look on his face.
"What?" I asked. He looked at my face, still with that look on his face.
"Are you suicidal?" He asked. Ah, so it was his thinking face. He was observing me.
"What?" I asked in disbelief.
"Okay then are you hurt?" He asked.
"Who wouldn't be, after getting bullied by a grown man?" I asked.
"Okay. Are you actually hurt? Like depressed form of hurt? The real kind" Ashton asked.
"No. What the hell" I whisper yelled at him.

Even after class, he kept following me, asking me questions Mrs.Black suggested to ask inorder to confirm depression.

"Nathan" I yelled at the top of my lungs when I saw him from the end of the hall. He turned to face me, along with the rest of the students in the hall. I swear to god these people lived for drama. So snoopy and everything.

"Are you in love with Nate? Is that why you are hurt?" Ashton still followed me as I made my way towards Nathan.
"Aren't you with Handerson? Oh what am I thinking. He doesn't date anyone. So that is why you are hurt. Because you love Handerson." Ashton was amused.
"Get this psycho away from me." I yelled at Nathan.
"What's going on?" Sean looked from me to Ashton and back at Nathan.
"This asshole wouldn't get off my back." I was still shouting.
"You wish I would get on your back" ashton scoffed, suggestively.
"Oh. Oooh. You aren't in love with them. You are in love with me. Thats why you are hurt." Ashton started laughing.
"Look, smartass. If I was depressed, it wouldn't be over a stupid boy not loving me. Got that?" Ashton looked serious for a moment and then bursted into laughter. I rolled my eyes.
"So annoying. Can you shut up?" I used the first words he ever used on me and walked away bumping into Nathan's shoulders who has been ignoring me.
"She's standing up for herself" I heard Ashton say in disbelief.
"Everyone has a limit they can be pushed into" Lee said. And then Ashton started laughing like a child.
"What?" Nora asked.
"Just something the Princess said in class. So Mrs.Black was like-" and I was out of hearing range.

The rest of the day was pretty much like the other days. Jessica has been busy with her modelling gigs, she didn't have a lot of time to talk to me or anyone else for that matter. Although she still makes me send her a picture everyday. And when she is free, she would comment on every picture specifically. I loved my bestfriend. I sat alone at lunch as usual and texted Jessica. Then I took my meds and ate them according to the instructions. Although I still had the effect of my last Prozac pill.

After a couple of minutes I got a reply. I flipped my phone over to see a text message from Kyle

<KYLE H.: Is it weird that I miss you? :)>
I smiled and shook my head. Wait he can't see me.

<ME:Woah. Some weird dude is missing me. :o>
<KYLE H.: Whaaat? You want me to kick his ass? ;)>
<ME: No. I want you to kiss his ass and thank him ;)>
<KYLE H.: Wow. Now thats a plot twist>
<ME: Is it now?>
<KYLE H.: yeap. The weird dude can't wait to see you>
<ME:They why isnt he at school?>
<KYLE H.: he had some stuff. And now its too late to go. Plus he doesn't wanna go>
<ME: the key sentence being the last one> I laughed out loud.

"Who are you texting?" I jumped at the sound of a voice. Nora was sitting infront of me eating a burger.
"No one" I replied still smiling.
"Its okay if you don't wanna tell me. But I have been sitting here for like 10 minutes now. And you haven't looked up for even a second." She replied.
"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked keeping my phone on the table.
"Just didn't wanna sit with them. Steven added me on facebook." She told me. "And instagram. And snapchat. And twitter."
"Oh." I replied.
"Look. I'm sorry about Ash. He is never like this. I don't know why he is being so mean"
"Dont- don't apologize" I told her. My phone screen turned on, indicating I received text message.
"Weird dude?" Nora asked. I had renamed Kyle's number as Weird Dude. I grinned taking my phone from the table.

<KYLE H.: So when am I meeting your brother?>

I had almost forgotten that steven wanted to meet Kyle. I had told kyle about it on the eay to school.

<ME: After school. We can hangout at my place>
I replied. Wait a minute he never said anything about hanging out.
<ME: if you want to>
I texted fast. I didn't want to seem clingy. I mean I have been ignoring the boy for the past week. But I really did enjoy his presence. I felt like he actually understood me. I put my phone back on the table and took a sip of water.

"So a Daniel fan, huh?" Nora asked.
"Sorry?" I asked, confused by why she would mention him out of the blue.
"Daniel Parker. Your wallpaper." Nora pointed. It was a picture of him with a huge teddy bear. He was grinning, trying to match his grin to the bears smile.
"Something like that" I smiled.
"Me too" We didn't speak after that. It wasn't the comfortable silence that we usually have between us. There was some tension in the air that we both pretended not to notice.

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