Chapter 17

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Chanyeol Portaying Lee Posey^>

"Why me?" I asked. More like my big mouth spit the 2 words out before I could think about it.
"What?" He was taken by surprise at my question. He actually took his eyes off the road.
"If you haven't dated anyone in such a long time, then why me?" I asked. Well it was already out there, so why not.
Kyle took a deep breath and opened his mouth before shaking his head.

"You know, I had much more planned for the night." He finally said.
"Oh yeah?" I asked, letting the topic slide easily. Although the size of my ego and self confidence had deflated down to 6 feet under.
"But I didn't exactly plan the timing very well. Guess we got carried away" he smiled, to himself.

After stopping the car infront of my house, Kyle leaned towards the backseat and picked up a box of chocolates which was in the shape of a heart.
"For you my sweetness" he grinned. I loved how the word sounded on his tounge. Then kyle got out of the car and went to open the door for me. I got out and kissed him on the cheek and thanked him.
"Maybe we could finish the rest of the date you had planned, soon?" I asked. Kyle nodded his head. His hands were stuffed in his pockets. He was so handsome. The shirt he was wearing looked so good on him. He had gone with a shirt instead of his usual t-shirts. Which I must say was an excellent change. Not that it mattered. He'd look good in rags.
After taking a good look at him, I walked towards my door as I stuffed the box of chocolates into my bag.

"Wilson?" Kyle called out to me.
"Yeah?" I turned around to see Kyle walking towards me. To my surprise, he put his lips on mine, for the second time. I found myself feeling the same way as I had the first time he kissed me. My reaction to his lips hasn't changed at all. To him hasn't changed at all. I could never get used to kissing him. Hell I could never get used to the idea that he wasn't just a pigment of my imagination.
I felt disappointment seep through me as he pulled away and kissed me on my forehead.
"You wanna go out with me tommorow night?" He asked me. Wow that was fast. And absolutely what I have been dying to hear him ask me.
"Yes. Ofcourse" I grinned.

"Um -you asked me why you" I nodded. "Well to answer that question; you asked me not to expect to get lucky tonight right?" He laughed.
I opened my mouth to reply, but Kyle put a finger on my mouth to stop me from speaking.
"Well the thing is, maybe I dont get to have sex with you. But that doesn't mean I didn't get lucky. Wilson, I got lucky the moment you walked out of those ugly doors of the school. And I got lucky when you didn't have a ride. I got lucky when you accepted my offer got on my bike. Hell I even got lucky when you didn't want to go home that day after the unfortunate incident with Westbrook. And I got lucky when you called me. I got lucky when you decided to waste your time and energy on my. I got lucky when you agreed to go out with me. And I keep getting lucky every minute I spend with you." And then he kissed me again. "Does that answer your question?"

"Does that answer my question? Kyle, that the best thing anyone has ever said to me." I stared at his eyes before adding, "after 'steven was a mistake but you were completely planned'" earning the amazing sound of Kyle's laughter.
"Good night Wilson"

I couldn't go to sleep that night. No, it wasn't being love struck or anything. It was my insomnia kicking in and lack of products to help me fall asleep. I had already eaten my last Prozac pill. I stayed up thinking about everything wrong I had done and everything bad that ever happened to me. I thanked Dr.Cranfield mentally, for prescribing more Anti-depressants for me since the whole Ashton incident.
After hours of tossing and turning, I fell asleep at about 5 in the morning.

Quite obviously, I woke up really late. Not bothering to change my clothes, I ran downstairs quite hungry. On my way outside, I took my now empty medicine bottle. Fortunately, steven was in the kitchen when I walked in.
"Need a refill" I kept the bottle on the dining table and headed right to the refrigerator. Pouring myself a glass of orange juice, I took out a plate of fruits that Steven had prepared probably earlier today.

I only noticed there were 2 faces staring at me, after I took a seat at the table. Steven had company. And the company was Nora Storm.
"Oh" I said. I didn't have time to ask questions and I didn't have the mood to ask questions to her. I really was getting too dependant on those pills.
"Wow. This got empty pretty early" Steven said picking up the bottle, trying to break the tension.
"No Steven. I'm just taking those regularly this time." I lied. Steven doesnt really like the whole reading tbe prescription thing because he finds the handwritings of doctors creepy. So it wasn't like he was going to find out the truth.
"What about the others?" He asked me. Not in a suspicious way. In just a confused way.
"Oh they are supposed to be taken less than this one. You know why" I replied. I didn't know whether I used the last sentence as an honest to God statement or if I was just manipulating him. Anyhow, it worked and steven didn't ask anything else. He was so uncomfortable any time he feels I was gonna mention something of the past. Which I really wasn't. But who am I? I might do anything.

"So how was your date?" He asked me. And then I forgot we had company. I started telling them about out date. The reactions from them were pretty great.
"So it is true about you and Kyle Handerson!" Nora said. I gave her a smile, which was enough answer.
"I need to buy some clothes for the date. I do not have date clothes" I said.
"Thats because you haven't been on a date since, you know." Steven replied.
"Take me to the mall today" I asked Steven.
"Steven" I made a puppy face.
"Haha not gonna work"
"Come on"
"People think I'm gay when they see me with you. I am not going shopping with you

"Anyway, we are going to the diner and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us." Nora spoke after a short silence.
"Ashton's gonna be there?" I asked.
"Yeah. Why?" Nora asked.
"Cause I'm not going. Not with him there."
"Please. This is really important to Nate. He misses you" nora pleaded.
"Yeah I don't see Nate telling me that. Besides, its really important for me to stay away from Ashton because he kills a little bit of me every time I see that smug look on his face"
"We're going to the mall afterwards." Nora mentioned, hitting me right where I needed to be.
"She'll go" Steven said getting up. "She'll be ready and at yours within 15 minutes. Give or take 5. Cause she isn't going anywhere without finishing her food." Nora hugged him as she left the house.

"'She'll go?'" I asked Steven.
"Yeah. Come on Izzie. This is important to me. Please. I want you to bond with her." Steven said. I'll be damned if he actually liked this girl. He has never been like this. I mean he did have a couple of girlfriends, but never serious enough for them to be enough. He had never tried to make me get along with them. Because that was never really important. Steven has had eyes on this girl since the first time he laid his eyes on her. And yet he hasn't had sex with her. And he wants me to bond with her. Maybe she was different. Maybe he was changing. Or maybe not. But then again, Nora is the ultimatum of perfection.

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