Chapter 8

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"Dude your father is Robert Wilson?" Nathan said on the car ride. I nodded my head
"He's like a multi-millionaire" Lucy shrieked. Still in awe.
"Yeah I'm aware of that" I replied.
"The Princess doesn't want to talk about her life in the fortress of solitude. Please respect her majesty's wishes" Ashton said in a fake british accent.

After about 45 minutes of driving we were infront of a cliff. An abandoned, spot by the look of it. Ashton took out a blanket and put it on the ground. Then he pulled out couple of bottles of beer and doritos. I raised my eyebrow at it earning a middle finger. From Ashton. At that, everyone looked at the both of us. Probably waiting for me to say something back. But I turned around and walked away. I took off my flannel and tied it anound my waist. I heard Ashton laughing in an evil way. I turned around. Called out to him, kissed my hand and pulled the hand away from my lips raising my middle finger at him. I turned around and sat at the end of the cliff. I have never jumped off a cliff before.

"Scared?" I jumped at the voice of Nathan. He held my hand and steadied me. Chuckling, he sat next to me.
"I'm not sure" I replied. At that he chuckled some more.
"This---wont kill me. Right?" I asked very seriously. Nathan started laughing out loud.
"Oh you're serious?" He stopped laughing. I nodded. And he started laughing even more, tugging at his stomach.
"No you wont. You can swim right?" He asked still chuckling. I nodded my head.
"You dont talk much do you?" He asked me. I shrugged, not wanting to say anything to that.

After some time, I went to get some water. I heard the sound of engines. Not too later, a group of bikers came and parked on the other side of the cliff.
"They wont mind us. Dont worry" Lucy said, noticing me staring. I smiled and took a sip of water.
"We have beer." She said again. I shook my head no. Alcohol wasn't exactly wise for me to be around right now. Then I heard whistling.
"Oh my god" Lucy and Nora said at the same time.
"Hey. Wilson!" I turned around to see Kyle walking towards me. I gave him a smile once he reached me.
"Kyle." Nora and Lucy were staring  at us as if they weren't sure what was happening.
"What are you doing here?" He asked me, taking off his sunglasses.
"With them" I nodded my head towards the group.
"So thats your posse, huh? Didn't think you were one of them" he smirked at me.
"I'm not." I said. Kyle raised his eyebrows, asking for elaboration. "Nathan is kind of my friend. I think they just tolerate me for him."
"Didn't think so. I don't see you sitting with them at lunch." I shrugged my shoulder, which I seem to do a lot lately.
"I'll see you around Wilson" he said putting his glasses back on and walking away. He almost reached his friends when he turned around and yelled, "still waiting for that call"
He had given me his number and instead of giving mine back, I told him that I'd give him a call.
"Keep waiting" I yelled back. Then he and his friends got back on their bikes and left.

"You know Kyle Henderson?" Lee asked me open mouthed.
"Not really" I replied.
"Are you in love with him?" Lucy asked.
"I just met the guy"
"Are you sleeping with him?" Sean asked.
"Geez, no"
"But he said your name. Last name, but whatever." Nora said.
" What's the big deal?" I asked.
"Big deal; your Highness, is that you managed to get your claws on the one guy no one ever managed to even get close to." Ashton said putting a hand on my shoulder. Then he whispered 'vixen' in my ear. I slapped his hand off my shoulder and glared at him.

"Just stay away from him okay? He's bad news" Nathan came upto me. I rolled my eyes at them, I dont think he is that bad. I've seen bad and even worst. But I can tell, Kyle isn't it. But I didn't bother arguing with them.

We were all one at a time jumping off the cliff. Everyone was now in their underwears. I was now wearing a red two piece. Nathan was next to me, reassuring me that it'll be fine. One at a time jumped, and when the person who jumped starts making their way back, the next person makes the jump. Right now, the only people left were the two of us and Ashton. Who apparently always jumped last.
Nathan went to get me some water, to make sure I don't panic or something. I was standing at the edge of the cliff, as it was my turn next. I heard the flash of a camera and turned around to see Ashton staring at his camera. He looked genuinely interested in what he was doing. No smirking, no grinning, chuckling or smart mouthing. He looked like a normal human being. He pressed one eye against the camera and took another picture. Of me, staring right at him. Even though he saw me staring, he didnt make an insult. He didn't even grin in that evil way he loved to do. He lowered the camera, and looked at me before turning around and taking pictures of the scenery.

"Ready?" Nathan asked holding my hand. At the count of three, the two of us jumped. I could feel my body cutting through the air, through the wind, falling the height. Maybe this was what it felt to fly. I thought, spreading my arms and pretending I had wings, like I was flying. It was an amazing feeling. The thrill, the adrenaline was indescribable. I kept falling and falling, and finally into the deep blue sea. I kept falling deeper, maybe this was the perfect getaway. This was what it felt to be carefree. To hide. To run away. To finally be free. It would be so great to be able to let go. But I couldn't. I wouldn't.
I forced myself to get back up, where the cold air sent shivers through my body. "What took you so long. I was starting to get worried here" Nathan started the moment I emerged from the water.
"I got carried away" I said grinning. "Let's do this again" we swam to the shore, climbing back to the cliff. After repeating the cycle over and over again, we got dressed and headed to the beach from earlier this week. It was almost sunset when we reached, as it was at the other end of the town. We played ball, and catch until the sky became dark and the night took over. This place was beautiful. The sky was filled with stars.

I was standing a little further away from the rest of the group as usual. Staring at the stars. I untied the flannel from my waist and wore it, trying to get a little warmer. Right about now, I could use some jeans. Rubbing both my hands together, I looked up the sky. There wasn't a single cloud in sight. Just the stars shining bright, filling the sky with lights. There was no moon in sight, making the stars look brighter. The only light coming from the little fire, the guys has made.

Suddenly, I felt hands on my shoulders. I turned around and saw Ashton standing behind me. Before I could do anything or react at all, he leaned in and kissed me on the mouth.

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