Chapter 44 Part I

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"Damian." I exhaled loudly.

"Pregnancy test. Really?" He asked taking the kit I bought the other day at the pharmacy.

"Is that how you are keeping Kyle with you? By getting yourself pregnant?"

"I can't get myself pregnant." I stated.

"Don't try to be a smart mouth with me." He put the kit back in my bag and stood. I was so regretting leaving my phone on the kitchen counter.

"What does he even see in you?" He tilted his head to a side and stared at me, making me stop breathing. And then he took a couple steps foward, still staring at me.

"I'm going to enjoy hurting you." He said grinning at me. Even when it was the ultimatum of evil, that smile was handsome. He then held my wrist and said, "just like you hurt me."

That was when I noticed the tattoo on his wrist. It was the same as the ones on the stuff that I have been getting.

"You. You sent me those." I said still staring at the tattoo.

"You're not even smart. How the hell do you do it, hm?" He asked, his grip on my wrists tightening. "You took everything away from me. Before you came along, everything was perfect."

He pushed me on the ground. I winced. I twisted my ankles while trying to stop the fall.

"I didn't take anything from you, freak." I said getting up. Damian hit me right across the face. Twice.

"Before you butt into our lives, he didn't so much as look at another person. You swoop in and you steal him right away. You big slut." He said pulling at my pony tail and dragging me into the kitchen.

"I didn't steal him." I cried out. He took a knife from the counter and pressed it against my cheek. I could feel the cold metal closing in on my skin. He didn't do much. Just grazed my skin with it. I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"You can't ever treat him the way I did. I saved his life. I killed for him. And he just walks away from me? Like it was nothing? Like I mean nothing to him."

The moment he turned around, I made a run for my phone. But he noticed and twisted my arm. I cried out loud, but there was no one around. No one that could help me.

"What's one more person if it means i get him back?" He said punching me on the face. I was pretty sure he broke my nose, if the blood was any indication.

"I would do anything for him. There's nothing in this world that i won't do for him."
Then he pushed me towards the counter. My back hitting the corner, i cried out yet again.

"After everything we've seen. Everything we've been through together. Does he appreciate it? No. He just wants some stupid little girl. He broke my heart. And I let it go. Because I love him. I let him walk around like its NOTHING." He lifted me up with my broken arm.

"And then he had the balls to go around with you? Taking you to sweet dates. Fucking you. Even letting you see his sister. He NEVER LET ME SEE HER."

"I can see why." I managed to croak out.

"What did you just say?" He asked suddenly.

"You think you're better for him? You think you are better than me?" He said wrapping a hand around my neck and lifting me against the wall.

"I tried not to touch you. I really did. I wanted to let Kyle have what he wants. And then he stops seeing me. Stops answering the phone. I made one mistake, ONE." And then he let me go. I inhaled a huge breath.

"He's texting you all the time. Always on the phone. If he's not here screwing you."

He made me sit in a chair and went behind me. "This is for taking away the one good thing in my life." And the next thing I knew he had his necklace around my neck, tightening it to the point I couldn't breathe.

"Get the hell away from her!" Kyles voice boomed the room before a chair hit the back of Damian's head. He was stunned for a minute before he got up.

"You're choosing her?" He asked, in hurt filled voice.

"It was never a choice. You promised you won't touch her, Damian." Kyle looked genuinely sad. But he put me behind him before he took a piece of the broken chair.

"You promised you'd stay away from her. But did you?" Damian asked.

"Yes. I did." Kyle looked nothing like the guy i knew. He looked angry and as dangerous as everyone kept saying. No, he looked angrier than that.

"You didn't. You kissed her. A whore." Damian screamed.

"You say one more word about her and I'll kill you. Help me god I will kill you. Not even Xavier can stop me. And I dont even think he will." Kyle said.

"I'm doing all this for you, Kell. Because I love you. Because we are supposed to be together. But...after're threatening me?"

"I told you before, I could try being friends with you. But there's no us. Don't forget that." Kyle said.

"Why? Because I don't have a pussy? Is that it?" Damian asked.

"No. Because you're a fucking psychopath. You are obsessive and possessive and I can't even look at you right now. Take a good look at yourself, Damian. Look at what you tried to do." Kyle yelled back. The sound of the sirens started a moment before kyle spoke again.

"I called the cops. There is..." He then looked at me and closed his eyes. "There's a door at the back. You can leave that way. You've done too much for me. I owe you." Damian was standing still staring at Kyle. "But dont expect me to forgive you. I will always hate you for this. As long as I live."

The moment Damian's gaze fell on me, I stepped closer to Kyle, my breathing increasing. But the expression on his face wasn't what I expected. It was as if what he had done just dawned upon him.

"Oh God!" He managed to say.

"Damian just leave. Okay?" Kyle said, shaking his head.

"No." Damian said.

"What?" Kyle said a bit louder.

"I deserve this. I should pay for this. I am so sorry Kell. I would... I would do anything to fix this. I am so sorry." He looked just purely remorseful. And then the sound of the cops announcing themselves came.

"Just go. And call yourselves even." I managed to say. I didn't know where I found the courage to let him leave. But all the things he had done for Kyle, things I knew and didn't know about, I couldn't let Kyle carry that guilt.

"We're already even. We were always even." Damian whispered as the cops came into the kitchen. They read his rights to him and cuffed him.

"He's in Tulsa. Oklahoma. Francis Adams." Damian said to Kyle as they passed us.

The moment he was out of our sight, I hugged Kyle and let myself cry.

"Honey?" A female cop stopped next to us. I nodded my head and wiped the tears away.

"We have a paramedic outside. Lets get you cleaned up. Are you alright, son?" She seemed to be in about her late 40's.

"We're going to need a statement from both of you kids. Is that going to be alright?" She asked. I nodded my head again, turning to Kyle.

"Look. Be as vague as possible. Leave out as many details you can. No lies. Just ommit as much as you can. And if they ask anything about any details, tell them that it all happened too fast for you remember. Tell them you called me as soon as you realized there was an intruder, alright?" I nodded my head.

"I love you." He said, finally following the lady.

They took me to the hospital saying there were too many injuries. Fortunately, my arm wasn't broken. Just sprained. They gave me a painkiller for it though.

After a lot of arguing, the hospital let us go home. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

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