Chapter 14

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The long day was finally over. I was exhausted from all the stares and whispering. They think they were being subtle, but they knew nothing about subtlety.  The least they could do was atleast keep the staring to a minimum.
I walked out of the doors to find that Kyle kept to his word. He was waiting for me infront of the school with a huge grin on his face.
"Hey" I skipped upto him and hugged him. I took him by surprise, hell I took me by surprise. As I started to pull away from him, he wrapped his arms around me and stuffed his face under my neck. His arms were strong and it was so comfrotable to be w
Held against him.
"Hey Wilson" he said pulling away. "So lets do this" he said rubbing his hands together.
"Dont be nervous. Its just Steven. Keep the nervousness for when you meet my father" I said getting on the bike. And I tell you. I should not have worn the skirt.
"Your father?" He started panicking even more.
"Relax. He doesn't even know you exist." I couldn't hold my laughter in.

As I got off the bike, I noticed Nathan and Nora near their house, getting off Ashton's car. Nathan and I met eyes for a second, before he looked away instantly.

"Its gonna be fun" I told Kyle as I unlocked the door. Steven was watching a movie in the living room.
"Steven?" I called out over the loud voice of the tv. "STEVEN!" I yelled louder, grabbing his attention.
"Hey Izzie." He said pausing the movie. "I made mac and cheese. Lets eat. I'm starving." Steven never eats without me. I guess thats what happens when you are siblings with just a year apart. We always got along unlike most of the siblings I met. I mean, Jessica and her sister; they fight even for exhaling in the other persons direction. That actually happened once. Aunt Lillian, my god mother, had 3 boys. The twins fight all the time too. And neither of them talk to their older brother. At all. And he never talks to them either. Except when telling them to do something. I swear they are more scared of their brother, than their father. But he was not even slightly intimidating.

"Oh you brought your friend." Steven noticed. "Food first" he said walking towards the kitchen. I sat next to Kyle who was still nervous. Steven placed the food infront of us. "Do you drink, buddy?" Steven asked Kyle pouring white wine into two glasses. Steven had occasional drinks. Not much. "What am I thinking, ofcourse you do" he placed one glass next to Kyle and the other infront of us next to his place.
"Apple juice?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "One glass of wine won't do any harm" he pointed out.
"Thankyou. But apple juice is fine." I said. I hadn't taken any more pills after lunch. If I had, I probably would have taken that glass of wine.
"Our wine is always fancier than our food. Because I can only cook a few things. And this knuckle head over here can't cook any thing. She can't even flip a pancake." Steven started talking.
"Stop trying to embarass me." I kicked his leg, feeling my face heat up.
"Thats not embarassing. I'll tell you embarassing things later" steven looked at Kyle. "I'm Steven. You must be-"
"My ex-girlfriend used to be in love with a Kyle." Steven laughed.
"I thought Georgia was the one with a Kyle." I said. "Yeah." Steven replied. "She's my ex"
Okay I needed to get more involved in his life. I hadn't even realized he broke up with her. I wondered if it was my fault. If it was because of him not being in LA anymore, then it was definitely my fault.
"Its not your fault. She cheated on me with a girl I cheated on her with." Steven said. Kyle laughed next to me. He always says that I had an obvious guilty face. Probably why it was so easy to figure out I blamed myself.
"That is not funny" I said.
"Yes Wilson, yes it is" which earned him a high five from Steven.
"So what happened was," Steven looked at Kyle and started telling his story. Good, they are bonding. Bad, they are too much alike.
"This girl - Jane, izzie knows her. I slept with her on a daily basis since like 2 months to Gia and my relation. Well we had a lot of fun. She pretty much knew everything, except Gia. She knew I had a lady okay? Jane has this wall filled with pictures of different people she knows. Then earlier last month I think, Gia calls me up and starts yelling at me. Saying I cheated on her and everything. I try lying, and she goes Jane told me everything. I call jane up and she is like woah Gia is your lady? And I'm like, not for long. And she tells me Gia and she slept together twice or something. And then Gia sees a picture of me on Janes wall. Asks Jane who it was."
"Oh in the spy style. Niiice" Kyle laughed.
"Exactly. Women. And Jane says just a guy she used to sleep with a couple of months ago. And Gia goes, a long time ago? And Jane says no, and tells her around when we started it. And Gia snooped around pretty well. Jane had no idea Gia was my girlfriend. Hell I had no idea Gia even liked women. I would have tried to have a threesome if I had known"
And then they started talking about sex, to women which changed to celebrities to movies. After eating, I wanted to go upstairs but Steven wanted to talk to Kyle in private.

I went upstairs and changed into shorts and a tanktop. Because quite frankly, pretty clothes aren't the most comfortable to be in. I tied my hair up in a high pony tail and sat on my bed, waiting for Kyle.
I looked up when I heard a knock on my door. I didn't have to ask who it was to know it was Kyle. I opened the door and saw Kyle standing right infront of me with a Steven right behind him. I opened the door wider so that Kyle can come in.
"You stay out" I told Steven before he tried to come in.
"Why does he get to come in if I dont?" He complained. "Not that I was planning to go into your stupid room"
"Just because." I said.
"If you kids are staying up here, keep the door open." Steven said. I saw Kyles face, and it was a freaked out face.
"Stop freaking him out Steven" I hit his shoulder
"Fine. If you do anything, use protection" and he walked down the hall and to his room.

"Wow" Kyle spoke as soon as Steven walked away. "He's either very cool or very stupid"
"He's just a year older than me Kyle. We used to sneak people in the house all the time. Or we would just say sleepover and he'd bring a girl and we'd pretend she's my friend and I'd bring a guy and he'd pretend he's his friend." I laughed at the memory. Good times.
"And you never got caught?" He asked looking around my room. He was observing every corner of the room like a health inspector. Or something. I don't know. He stopped infront of a picture with me and my bestfriends.
"My bestfriends" I pointed at the picture. Then he took a picture of Aunt Lillian and her boys, with me on her lap.
"She's my god mother" I  said.
"Is that-" he pointed at the older boy.
"Yeah, my bestfriend. We uh - dont talk right now" I looked away.
"Why not?" Kyle put the pictures back where they were and stood next to me.
"Because of some stuff that happened. I'll tell you about it when I am ready" I looked at my feet. He tucked a finger under my chin and forced me to look at him.
"Hey. No rush. I'm here to listen when you need me to. I'm not here to leave" he said. That was one of the sweetest things anyone had said to me in ages. He sounded honest, like he meant every word everything he says to me.
Then he pressed his forehead on mine and closed his eyes. We were so close, our lips almost touching. I could feel the heat radiating off his body. I could feel his slightly faster breathing on my face. He got a little more closer and our lips barely touched. I could feel the electricity pass through my body with the simple graze. Then he released his grip on my waist and moved away clearing his throat. I didn't expect the feeling that came after he moved away. My body missed his touch. I was so disappointed. And I realised the inevitable has happened.

I had feelings for Kyle Henderson.

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