Chapter 22

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Physics was kind of fascinating. Although, I hated the subject. I hated all the formula's and theories. And I hated the teacher, Mrs.Zelner. The feelingwas probably mutual.

"Miss Wilson, if you could stop day dreaming and start paying attention to class, your grades might actually start improving" Mrs.Zelner's ugly voice came. Yeap. Definitely mutual.

I sat up straight and looked around to see my amused classmates.
"Handerson must be keeping her quite busy at night" Ashton shouted from the other side of the classroom.
"He has like 3 years of bottled up desire to fulfill" Venessa, the queen bee, giggled next to Ashton. His arm wrapped around her.
"Yeah. And we already know how much she likes to give it away, don't we" Ashton smirked.
"Thats enough Mr.Westbrook. Miss Wilson, I suggest you start paying attention to class before I decide to call your parents"

The day was really boring. Ashton making fun of me had made people bring up the bullying again. Every cheerleader that I have seen roaming around the halls made it their duty to make sure I was insulted. Or laughed at or whatever. It made me feel bad for Smelly Molly back from MAAM. Man was she bullied, mostly cause she had no idea what hygiene was. God knows if the girl takes a shower in a week even.

The last period was gym. As I still wasn't allowed to get too involved in physical activities, I was excused from gym. Maybe I should finish my home works before going home. If kyle was at my place, there was no way I would --I could- pay attention to anyone but him. Which might be a problem, because Steven would steal him from me and go off playing video games and manly movies. Which I have to admit with shame that I kind of like now.
Growing up, mom was pretty much always at her recording studio. She was pretty demanded, so obviously someone had to help me with my hair and clothes and play doll with me. And being the good brother Steven is, he helps me out, even though he'd rather do anything but. So naturally, I had to do boyish stuff with him, given that dad was even more busier than mom. And now that Kyle spends so much time with me, it was like steven finally got the brother he wanted.

I stopped on my track when I heard a soundtrack playing from the music room or whatever it was. It had a really good beat, but had some flaws. Having my mother as a parent meant you kind of learn those things. I have always loved music, so ignoring the artist would have been a sin -a sin I tell you.

I entered the room to see a familiar red head with a head phone over his ears, sitting infront of a laptop computer. I went over and sat next to him and poked on his arm. He was so startled he actually raised his hand. My eyes widened.
"Woah, Izz. Do not do that again. You almost gave me a heart attack" Lee said pausing the soundtrack. I let out a slight giggle.
"What you doing?" I asked pointing at his laptop.
"Oh just working on my music." He said tugging at the end of his hair. He was so shy sometimes. "For the Kingston Annual Dance."
"Oh. What's that?" I asked confused.
"Every year, the student council holds an Annual Dance. Teachers don't get involved in this one. Because its Student council. But actually, this is like the party of the year. Every year. And I thought I'd make my own track this year" Lee replied, somewhat embarassed. "What are you doing here?"
Well I was heading to the library when I heard your music. And there is this-" I paused. "Don't get offended" Lee nodded his head.
"Well its really catchy and reeeally good. And then there is this thing with the bass" I said turning the music on and playing it over, finiding the bass. "Well, I know an A minor is very simple, but, Why don't you use a constant faded A minor on the guitar, along with the notes you have. And you can maybe add a little more drum all throughout the song?" Lee stared at me for a while, making me feel bad. Maybe I had offended him.
"Well you dont have to do that. I am just-"
"Izz." Lee stopped me. "Thats brilliant." He got up and went upto the guitars.
"I didn't know you knew music" he said as he came back. I grinned not really knowing how to reply to that.
"Maybe you and I should team up for the talent show?"
"Talent show?"
"Yeah some celebrities are coming this time right? Regional some shit? I gotta win if I want to make it as a music producer" lee said. Then he told me all about how he ahd always wanted to be a music producer.
"I might be able to help you." I grinned.
"Give me a cd. Of your own music. Not remixes. Your very own. I can maybe check them out and we can send them to some people?" I suggested.
"That'd be great. If that works." Lee said all excited. "You wanna work with me on the soundtrack? I mean I have a couple of tracks but thats not enough for a whole night"
For some reason, I agreed to help him out. Maybe it is the chance to get into music again.

I walked home not wanting to bother Steven.
"Steven?" I called out as I entered the house. Throwing my bag on the couch, and ran upstairs. Changing into shorts and a t-shirt, I came back downstairs. There was no sign of Steven or Kyle anywhere in the house.

I had fallen asleep on the couch while I was waiting for my brother and my Kyle. I woke up to the sound of guns and screaming and yelling. I opened my eyes, Steven was sitting on the floor with a shirtles Kyle besides him, playing video games. And yelling at the screen. I groaned.
"Morning Wilson" Kyle paused the game before placing a kiss on my cheek.
"You guys are being loud" I growled.
"Sweety you have been sleeping since you came back from school. Its been a long time" Kyle grinned.
"Well you kept me up all night, I need my beauty sleep" I complained. Steven raised his eyebrows at me. "Oh shut up. Its not like that." I glared earning laughter from Kyle and Steven.
I checked the time on my phone, it was almost 7. I had told Ashton that I'd be at his place by 6:30. Great. He's never gonna let me see the end of this. I had 10 missed calls. Ashton had called me twice and then there was an unsaved number. I grunted on the cushion I was lying on.

"What is it?" Steven asked.
"Nothing." I replied. Not wanting steven to find out that he had been calling me. "Kyle, you gonna stay over tonight?"
"If you think I can't hear you whispering to the guy sitting next to me, you are an idiot." Steven mumbled.
"If you don't mind." Kyle smiled at me. God he's so irresistible. I gave him a peck on his lips and ran upstairs telling them that I had to go to Ashtons.

Wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, I put on a baby blue shirt. Grabbing the first watch I could, I ran downstairs.
"Steven help me put this on" I said handing him the watch. I saw Kyle's eyes on me. Grinning, I kissed him before running towards Ashton's house.

I rang the doorbell a couple of times, to which Anna answered the door. I thought she was in college.
"He's upstairs" Anna said grinning, before I could even ask the question. I mumbled a thank you before running upstairs. Anna was right behind me.
"Open the door" Anna told me, not letting me knock. I stared at her for a while before opening the door.
"Oh my god" I yelled, along with a girls screams and Anna's laughter. I closed the door at once, and stared at Anna in horror.

"Why would you do that?" I yelled at her. Ashton was on top of Venessa, both of them shirtless.Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and if we were a little later than we were, we probably would have found them naked.
"Well that was f-funny" anna replied.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you never heard of something called knocking?" Ashton opened the door, fully dressed now.
"Well Anna told-"
"What the fuck is that slut doing here?" Venessa emerged behind Ashton's shoulders, thankfully dressed now. Her hair still looked like a mess. Anna took out her phone and took a picture of the 2 very furious teenagers, still chuckling.
"She's not the slut here Venessa" Anna replied, earning a glare from Ashton.
"I came to finish our paper" I told Ashton.
"An hour late?" He asked still glaring.
"Do you want to get this done with or what?" I glared back.
"Well we are busy. You're gonna have to leave" Venessa said using the bitchy bossy tone she uses on everyone at school.
"I'm sorry. Who are you?" I asked, making Venessa gasp. Anna yelled "burn" and started laughing again.
"Baby, are you gonna let that bitch to talk to me like that?" She asked getting closer to Ashton. He rolled his eyes and sighed.
"You have to go. The Princess is right. I want to get this over with" he replied. She scoffed at him before stomping out of the house.

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