Chapter 2: Convincing

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I sit tapping my foot impatiently on the ground in an office. I look around and notice the plaques and photos around the desk. Sergeant Lt. Benson. The certificate of achievement is framed on the wall. A woman with dark hair walks in after a few minutes and I stand to greet her, "Hi. I'm lieutenant Benson, you can call me Olivia." She reaches out her hand.

"Where's detective Carisi?" I implore, looking past her at the door, expecting him to come in.

She looks to the now closed door, "he's right outside. I was hoping you could tell me what happened last night? Detective Carisi told me you don't want to go to the hospital?"

"Why? So I could knocked around some more? No, thank you." I roll my eyes.

She sighs slightly, "it could really help our case against this man if we had evidence. The longer you wait, the less evidence we have." She pushes back.

I stand up, more aggravated now, "didn't you hear who did this to me? No evidence out there is going to be able to go near this guy!" I pace a bit in front of the couch I was just sitting on, "I don't even know why I came here. I should just go!" I reach for the door, regretting my choice to come here.

When I open the door and lieutenant Benson calls out to me, "we can help you, you just have to let us."

"I can't do this!" I shake my head looking at detective Carisi and pulling the paper from his hands and moving to leave.

"Hey, hey!" He follows me out towards the elevator leaving his boss staring after the two of us, "you can do this. You've already taken a step forward, don't give up now."

I push the button and turn to him angrily while I wait, "give up? Even if you were able to help me, he's protected! He's the governor's son for God's sake! I should just take the money and move on with my life." I turn back around.

"You think it'll be that easy?" He challenges, "to just move on after something like this happens?" I slowly turn to look back at him as he speaks, "I wish it was for you, for all the others but it doesn't happen like that." He says more forcefully. The elevator door opens and the few people inside pile out. I get into the elevator quickly once it's emptied, wanting to get away from here. I push the button to go down and only when the door starts to close again do I notice Carisi in the elevator with me, behind an officer. The door opens to the bottom floor and I hurriedly exit into the cold winter air. It hits me hard and I exhale slowly before turning right to go home, "Addison, please let me help you." he says staying behind me.

"Why? Why do you care?!" I yell back in the middle of the sidewalk. Some people stare at me as they pass by, one brushing my shoulder, but I don't care and keep my gaze on the man in front of me.

"Because what happened to you isn't okay, and the man responsible for this should be held accountable." He keeps my stare, "even if he's the governors son."

"It's not going to be that easy." I remind him with a sad sigh, tears wanting to form.

He nods, "I know." I stay standing while thinking it through for the hundredth time since it happened. All the while the detective just stares at me, waiting in the cold. "Let me take you to the hospital." He says lowly, stepping just a bit closer and placing a hand on my elbow.

I flinch just a bit and he removes his hand, holding it inches away as if to say he didn't mean to hurt or startle me, "fine." I say back with a nod and he puts his hand back on my elbow to guide me back inside.

He quickly pulls out his phone and dials someone upstairs, "yea, I'm going to take her to the hospital." He turns his head to mumble what he says next but I still hear him, "it's fine lieutenant, I'll stay with her. Ya, bye." He turns back to me, "let's go." He directs me to the back of the building where the cars are and opens the door to the passenger side for me to get in.

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