Chapter 15: Memory

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"Okay Addison, okay. You're safe, it's alright." Dr. Wong assures me as my eyes dart across the room with worry, "can you go over what happened?" He asks.

"I went to check on her, see if she was okay. After I knelt down there was a crash in another room. I froze, worried I interrupted a burglar but it was worse than that." I tell him still breathing heavy, "I knew it was him when he walked in, his eyes were jerking like they did when he raped me." I inform him of how I knew.

"Do you know who it is, have you seen him before?" Dr. Wong asks.

I shake my head, "he-- he looked like Jason, but like younger, had scruff on his face." I try to explain, the memory just recently buried in my brain now frozen into my eyes. "He smiled when he saw me, starting laughing. I started to back up towards the door, knowing I had to get out there."

"Did he say anything to you?" Dr. Wong asks me firmly.

I shake my head, "he said I made it easier for him to get to me, that he has been looking for me."

He nods, "what happened next, did he attack you again?"

"I screamed for help as loud as I could, hoping to scare him away. He laughed some more, pulled a knife out from behind his back. He said today wasn't my time but that he'd see me again soon." I tell him everything that I remember, everything this man said to me.

"Detective Rollins and detective Carisi didn't see anyone coming in or out after you went in. Did he go out the front door?" Dr. Wong asks me next.

"No, he left through the window." I shake my head hard remembering, "I uhm, I went running out to get them but I stumbled. I hit my head on the floor, got up and stumbled to the elevator. I--I don't know why I didn't tell them about him then, I don't know why I forgot." I explain with worry, feeling as if I lied to them.

"When you hit your head, it was an excuse for your brain to let the memory of your attacker escape you." He says, "thank you for sitting with me."

"Yea, no problem." I roll my eyes, I'd rather have amnesia than remember the man's face who ruined my life.

Lieutenant Benson walks in the room and thanks, Dr. Wong. She directs herself back to me, "you said he looked like Jason, but younger?" I nod to confirm. She turns to the door where Detective Tutuola is and I hear her mutter under her breath, "we have to bring the Governor in, make the call." She walks closer to where I am, "we're going to have you answer a few more questions, but why don't we go somewhere a bit more comfortable, okay?" She offers.

"Sure." I return back, standing up and walking out of the box and into another room, one with painted walls, decorations, a bookshelf, and other random decors, "what's going to happen next?" I ask her once inside and in a seat.

Sonny walks in after her with a cup of something hot in his hand. He passes it over to me and I thank him with a head nod, Lieutenant Benson says, "well, we're going to put you under protective detail until we catch this guy. He knows where you live so we'll get you a hotel. One of our detectives will be with you 24/7, you'll be safe." She tries to assure me.

"And work?" I question, knowing I can't keep missing work.

She semi-smirks, a sad one that tells me what I already know, "it's not a good idea to go back to work. We don't know how dangerous this man is, if he's working alone or what his agenda is." She says.

"This is bigger than me, isn't it?" I ask.

Sonny tells me the bad news, "we believe so, yeah."

I chuckle back, "great, just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Let's get your statement, answer some questions and get you out of here." Benson sits across from me and begins the interview.


"Addison! Are you okay?!" Jason rushes over to me and wraps his arms around me before I can move aside or stop him.

I gently wrap one arm around him and release as soon as I could, "I'm uhh, I'm fine." I smile when he looks at me.

"They told me what they think is going on, that someone is coming after me or my father. Addy, I'm so sorry you're involved in this." He tries to apologize.

Although I don't want to blame him, I can't help but be angry that he called me that day weeks ago to get together, "it's uhh, it's whatever." I try to shrug it off and move away from him.

"They told me that he threatened you? Come back with me to my fathers, you'll be safe there." He urges me, grabbing a hold of my arm.

I pull it away from him, "no, it's alright. They got me a hotel, I'm on 24-hour surveillance now."

"Oh, come on Addy. Where were they when you were upstairs face to face with this man, huh? They were supposed to be protecting you then. You know no one is getting into my father's place." He tries to convince me.

"I can't!" I yell out with anger. He looks at me again, bewildered and I go on, "he looks just like you Jason! I can't even look at you right now without being sick." He looks hurt, but I can't stop talking, "I know you didn't do this to me, but it's like reliving this nightmare all over again when I see you!" I spill out.

"Addis--" he tries to say something.

"No, please. Stop. I know you didn't do anything, I know but I can't be near you right now, or your father. Please, just--" I sigh, "just give them whatever information they need and let them find this guy." I beg him.

"Okay." He says lowly, eyeing around my feet, "I'll do whatever I can." He says. I nod thanking him and move back to head to the elevator where Sonny and detective Rollins are taking me to the hotel.

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