Chapter 17: Partners

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We leave the bodega with coffee's in hand and head back to the hotel, "can I ask you something?" Detective Rollins asks, her breath escaping into the air and fading quickly.

We leave the bodega with coffee's in hand and head back to the hotel, "can I ask you something?" Detective Rollins asks, her breath escaping into the air and fading quickly

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"Sure." I return, blowing into the small entrance of the lid.

"You have feelings for Sonny?" She doesn't beat around the bush.

I slowly sip the coffee before answering, "I don't really know. He's nice." I simply say to her, never really wanting to think about my feelings lately.

"Yea well, see, I've been working with him for a while now and I can tell he likes you." I stop walking, wondering why she's saying all this to me, "and I know he's too good for himself sometimes and if you lean on him, he'll be there for you even though he can't be."

"What are you saying?" I ask, not sure I understand what she's trying to say to me.

She steps one more step forward and turns around to face me, "Sonny is a great guy who's gonna wanna take care of you. But he needs to do his job, and you shouldn't get in the way of that."

"I uhh- I don't know what to say," I respond bewildered.

She sighs lightly, "he can't get involved with you. You are a victim of a crime we are investigating. If Benson finds out, he'll be off the case. If IAB finds out, he'd be out of a job." Her voice is stern when saying this, "as I said, he's too nice for his own good."

"So, what do you want me to do?" I ask in a low voice.

"Just, be careful." She finally says, eyeing me wondering if I understand what she is saying. I nod to her, telling her I do and we walk back to the hotel in more silence.

I crawl back into the bed and finish my coffee in silence. I turn the TV on a random channel, mute it and try to force myself to get some sleep. When I wake up it's 90 minutes from when I last checked the time. It's as much sleep as I've normally been getting so I dredge myself out of bed and head to the bathroom to clean myself up. I brush out my hair, putting it back into a quick braid and return back to the bed, sitting in silence and waiting for the day to begin. Eventually, there is a knock on my door and I holler back, "come in." Figuring it's another detective or cop switching swifts.

Sonny walks in with a bag in his hand and a smile on his face, "I went to my sisters and got your other things."

I try to hide my smile, detective Rollins words echoing through my brain, so I ask him, "did you even get any sleep?

"I got a few hours on Bella's couch." He shrugs, "anyway, I grabbed some old VCR tapes, figured we can pass the day by watching some bad quality movies." He holds some up with his other hand, his smile never faltering.

I sigh with a smile, "I appreciate the offer Sonny, but I just want to be left alone. I didn't sleep very well last night." I lie.

" I lie

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"Oh." He quickly adjusts, "no problem. Here." He puts the tapes on the coffee table and drops my bag next to it, "in case you get bored." He makes his way back towards the door, "I'll be out here if you need anything."

The door opens and I open my mouth to say something to him, but nothing comes out and the door shuts before I could form a sentence. I try to stay busy by organizing my clothes into a drawer and cleaning the previous nights game of checkers off the table. I can't help but get bored enough before I pop in a VCR tape he left behind and sit on the couch to watch the movie. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen and can't get through half of it before having to turn it off.


"Addison, we need to talk to you."Lieutenant Benson walks into the hotel after I open the door to the knocking. Detective Rollins and Sonny also walk in behind her, eyeing me like I'm about to fall apart. It' has been a week since Sonny and I have talked. Everything has been strictly professional between us since the night Rollins talked to me.

"Jason is in the hospital, he's been in an accident," Rollins says to me.

My eyes open wide looking to her then to Benson, "what? when?" I question.

"Earlier today." Benson explains, moving further into the room, "he's out of surgery now but he's asking to see you."

"Me?" my voice squeaks, not sure what he would want to see me for.

Rollins steps up, "we can take you there."

"I don't know. I don't have anything to say to him." I tell them with a shrug.

"Maybe he has something to say to you," Sonny says back to me, but something in his voice isn't right, it's like he's angry.

"I--I guess I can go." I say out loud before I could shut my mouth or talk myself out of going, "let me just get changed." I say to them and turn to retrieve some clothes.

We get to the hospital and the walk is eerily familiar. It's not the hospital I went to after my attack but it seems so much alike. The bad fluorescent lighting, nurses and doctors rushing quickly pass everyone, the cries of different types of pain echoing through the halls. The chills run through my bones as we pass door to door to reach Jason's room, "he's awake but on pain meds, take it easy." The nurse directs to us all before walking away.

"Do you want one of us to go in with you?" Benson asks.

I shake my head, not sure what that would do anyway and open the door to Jason's room, "we'll be down the hall when you're done." Detective Rollins tells me and they walk away.

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