Chapter 21: Testimony

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"Thank you for being here today Addison." The other lawyer, Mr. Grender tells me. I nod at him, not wanting to say anything more to him than necessary.

"Can you tell us again what you were doing going into Mrs. Blaine's apartment?" He looks to me then at the jury, ready to attack my story.

"I heard something break, so I went to her door to make sure she was okay." I re-inform him flatly.

"And you just walked into her apartment? She didn't invite you in?" He wants me to answer.

I sigh, "no, I knocked but it was already open. She's an older woman, she didn't have many visitors so I wanted to make sure she was okay before I left."

"So, when you went into the apartment, your alleging you saw my client in there?" He asks me.

"Yes," I respond.

"Did it occur to you that maybe he went in there to help Mrs. Blaine?" He asks.

"No, because he--" I try to respond but he interrupts me.

He looks to the jury, "could it be possible that he was helping her when you walked in and startled him?"

"No. He had the knife in his hand." I reiterate my earlier statement.

"What would you say if I were to tell you that he was afraid when you called into the apartment? That he thought the person or persons who actually killed Mrs. Blaine returned and he picked up the knife to protect himself?" He suggests.

"Objection!" Barba calls out.

"Objection!" Barba calls out

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"I'll allow it." The judge says.

I look from her to the lawyer, "I guess it's possible. But then why would he--"

"Thank you." He stops me from continuing with my statement. "When you were at the hospital, in the room with your friend Jason, what was your conversation about?" He asks.

"Objection." Barba calls again, "relevance?"

"I'm getting there your honor," Grender tells her, wanting to pursue this form of questioning.

She nods, "I'll allow. But get there faster Mr. Grender." She purses her lips and warns him.

He nods to her and looks back to me, "what was your conversation about?"

"He uhm, he wanted to get back together with me." I flatly day.

"And you guys recently went out on a date?" He asks me.

I shake my head, "he invited me to be his date at an event, but it wasn't a date." I try and correct him.

"Have you gone out with anyone else since that date?" He ignores my words and asks.

I sit up a bit more, agitated with how he's wording everything, "no, and it wasn't a date!" I almost yell.

Barba eyes me, telling me to calm down and I slightly bow my eyes, embarrassed about my outburst and nod just a little to tell him I'll try, "exhibit D, your honor. A photo of your witness with detective Carisi."

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