Chapter 53: Telling

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Sonny and I work in the kitchen together to make a chicken and pasta dish for his mother's visit. She's coming over around 5 to have dinner before the show at 7. After he puts the food in the oven for the final touches, I head to his bedroom to change. I throw on a black pencil skirt and a floral blouse before touching up my mascara and heading to my duffle for one last thing, "is this okay?" I ask him once I walk out, looking up to him for his approval.

"It's perfect, as usual." He compliments me, walking over from the kitchen to give me a hug. He pauses before he can lean in, spotting the cross necklace sitting on my chest and he smiles, "you held on to this." He fingers it, the touch of his hand against my skin sending chills through to my toes.

I blush and answer, "of course I did, it was the first thing you gave me."

He smiles, replacing the necklace back down on my chest and leans in to hug "actually, my old academy shirt was the first thing I gave to you." He lightly teases.

"Well, that's good to know. I always thought it was just borrowed." I confess to him "glad it's mine to keep."

He leans over to give me a kiss but it's all too quickly interrupted with a knock on the door. When he pulls away my eyes go directly to the door but I feel his gaze still on me, "don't worry so much, it's going to be fine." He gives my arm once last reassuring squeeze and moves to open the door.

As he moves I follow behind him, adjusting the engagement ring resting on my left ring finger and moving it to my right hand. He opens the door and his mother smiles wide when she sees her son, "Hi sweetheart!" She exclaims happily, quickly leaning in to hug him.

"Hi, mom!" He says back, "it's so good to see you!" He says.

She's quickly pushing him aside though and coming further in towards me, "Addison! Hello! It's such a pleasure to see you!" Her smile is wide and she embraces me tightly into a hug.

"Hi Mrs. Carisi, it's so good to see you too!" I tell her back, hugging her in return.

She pulls away after a moment and says, "please, call me Donna! I didn't know you'd be here tonight! What a pleasure." She comments, turning to her son, "why didn't you tell me?" She keeps the grin on her face, and I think she's truly happy to see me.

He laughs, "because I like to see your face when you're surprised."

"Devious boy" she waves a finger at him before starting to shrug off her coat, "it smells delicious in here, what did you make?" She asks, moving towards the kitchen.

"Cajun chicken pasta." He informs her.

She takes a big intake in with her nose and smiles again, "smells of perfection. Why don't we take a seat and catch up Addison." She suggests.

"I would love to," I say then pause for a moment looking at Sonny "let me just finish setting up the table and I'll be right over. Can I get you something to drink?" I ask her, starting to move to the kitchen.

"Oh, nonsense. Sonny can get everything. It's his home to host." She assures me, grabbing my arm lightly to pull me towards the couch, "isn't that right dear?" She calls over her shoulder.

"Yes, mom" Sonny answers back with his own grin.

"Alright, if you're sure you don't need help?" I ask him as I walk with her.

"I'm sure! Go chat, dinner will be served shortly." He nods and turns away.

We sit on the couch next to each other and Donna smiles and asks, "so, what have you been so busy doing here in the city that I haven't seen you since the baptism?"

The question throws me off, mostly because I don't know how to answer it. I don't really have an excuse for not going over to see his family again except for being wrapped up in my own life, "actually, I've just been trying to move things forward with my life after everything that happened." I confess honestly to her, not feeling the desire to lie to my future mother in law.

Her happy mood changes momentarily when she responds and says, "that's very good, you need to take care of yourself first before anything else. I keep telling Dominick that, to take care of himself. Especially after his injury earlier in the month." She says, her eyes moving to see if he hears her and says something.

I look over my shoulder to see if he's listening as well, to give me any hint on what she may know about his injuries and how much I was involved in that, "I hope he's taking your advice." I say back, biting my tongue from saying anything further.

She smiles again when she answers me, "I like to believe he is, he's still with you." I give her a little side glare as to say I don't follow when she leans in a bit and confides, "I told him to keep you around. You're good for him."

I blush at her words and Sonny calls to us, "dinner is served, ladies!"

Donna moves to stand up but I grab her arm this time and say lowly back to her, "well, he's good for me too."

She gives me a nod in happy agreement and the two of us make our way to the table to join Sonny. Once seated, Donna places her napkin on her lap and states, "this looks wonderful. Would you like to say the prayer tonight Addison?"

I go to open my mouth but Sonny quickly chimes in "I'll say it ma it's my apartment, remember?" He smiles gently to his mom who smiles back happily. Sonny says the dinner prayer and his mother and I site Amen at the end.

As dinner starts to end, I can tell Sonny is starting to adjust the conversation over to him and me again. He starts asking his mom questions about her wedding to his father and getting her emotional while telling the story. She laughs and smacks him across the arm lightly after going into details about the way Mr. Carisi proposed, "I just hope when you propose you do better than he did" She says through her laughter.

Sonny uses that and asks me with a large grin, "I don't know, did I do better than that Addison?"

His mother's mouth gapes open as she looks at me. My face is a shade of red. Partially from embarrassment and partially from annoyance on him putting the spotlight directly on me. I swallow the frog in my throat and say back, "it was definitely unexpected." I say to her, remembering when Sonny asked me to marry him in front of his work family while laying in the hospital bed.

"What?" She simply spits out, looking back to her son.

Sonny stands up to walk over to me as I continue to look at Donna wondering if that is a scowl or a smile she's trying to hide, "Addison and I are engaged." He confirms, putting a hand on my shoulder and standing behind me. I look up to him over my shoulder and he looks down to me. His blue eyes glistening down to me, confirming all the more how happy I am we are engaged.

We're torn away from our stares when his mom stands up to congratulate us, "well, what a beautiful thing darling! I'm so happy for you!" She opens her arms to hug Sonny.

"Really, ma? You're not upset or nothin'?" He asks her, leaning down to embrace her back.

"Why would I be upset?" She asks. She then moves to give me a hug and I move to return the gesture, "so happy to have you join our family!" She says into my ear.

"I dunno, just thought you'd be concerned or something." He tells her now honestly.

"What? Why? You knock her up or something?" Her eyes change, glaring at him, "cause one kid havin' a baby outta wedlock was enough!" She gives the sign of the cross and looks up to the sky for a second.

Sonny chuckles, "no ma," his eyes roll "we're in love, that's why."

"Then I'm thrilled!" She opens her arms one more to time for another hug.

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