Chapter 19: Hit

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"Whatever you want, we can get for you. Just put the gun down, you don't need her." Sonny tries to get control of the situation.

He shakes his head, "I do need her, I need them both and I need you to leave!" He shouts back.

Sonny shakes his head, "now you know I can't do that. But listen, why don't you let her go and take me in her place. Come on." He tries to convince him.

He laughs back, "I know what you're doing and it's not going to happen so just stop!"

"Alright, alright." Sonny puts his hands up, stepping back just a step, "what do you want to do next?" He asks.

He puffs up his chest a bit, "I want my father here, to look me in the eyes and tell me what I did to him to make him hate me!"

"I'll call him." Jason quickly spits out, moving to the side of his bed.

"Stop!" He yells at him and Jason freezes, "what are you doing?"

Jason hesitates to answer but stutters, "get-- getting my phone."

Everyone stays motionless, waiting for the man whose name we still do not know to say something back to him, "put it on speaker." He directs. As Jason moves further to grab his phone off the side table he tells us, "don't say anything!"

I keep my eyes on Sonny and he keeps his eyes on me, even as the phone begins to ring out loud into the room. The phone stops ringing and it's obvious someone has picked up, "Hello, Mr. Charles' line, please hold." The women on the other end says and clicks a button before Jason can even say anything further. Minutes pass, and it feels like hours before she returns to the line, "thank you for holding, how may I help you?"

"Jenna, this is Jason. May I speak to my father please?" He asks, trying to keep his voice calm and even.

"Jason, your father knows about what happened. He is in a meeting right now but he will be down to see you later this evening." Her voice is a fake pleasantry over the phone, having said lines like these dozens of times a day.

"No. I need to talk to him now." He says with more force.

"Jason, I know this must be hard but he is really busy at the moment and--" she tries to respond.

Jason interrupts her, "I know he can talk. I need him on the phone. Now." His voice is almost like a growl and the phone line sits silently for a few seconds.

After those seconds tick by, we can hear the chair she is sitting in move and I sigh in relief, hoping he'll let me go when he gets what he wants, "Jason, what is this all about? I'm extremely busy here." The governor's voice echoes through the small room.

The man quickly releases the arm that's holding me, trying to keep the gun to my head and reaches for the phone in Jason's hand, "this is Jacob, you know--your other son. If you--" He starts to yell into the phone with rage but the loud bang and ringing of a gunshot goes off and my scream shouts over anything else going on in the room.

"LIEUTENANT!" I hear Sonny yell out. His feet now in front of me kicking at the gun near my side away from me and the mans' body that lies semi on top of me, warm blood dripping onto my skin.

"What the hell happened in here?" Rollins and Benson charge into the room with their guns ready to be pulled if necessary, probably already running to the sound of the gunshots.

"Get a doctor." Sonny directs to them, trying to move the man off of me and cover the wound by putting pressure on it, "I got him in the left shoulder."

Detective Rollins quickly steps out of the room and that's when the pain settles in, the high from the shock calming down. I try to move, to figure out where it is coming from but my arm doesn't do what I want it to and I realize then that I've also been hit by the bullet, "get another doctor!" Lieutenant Benson's voice calls out, and I lift my head to see her leaning down to me, to hold my wound and put pressure on it.

Nurses and doctors rush into the room and carry me out and onto a stretcher waiting in the hall. I try to stay focused on something other than the medical terms flying from mouth to mouth as they roll me to the OR, "clean through" I hear one say loudly. "A lot of blood loss," another voice says to someone else. Soon they are stringing me up with wires, stuffing a tube into my arm and telling me to count back from 50.


"Hello?" I say lowly into the stale air. I try to open my eyes but they are heavy with exhaustion.

"Welcome back darlin', how you feeling?" Sonny's voice is the first thing I hear and I try to not smile

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"Welcome back darlin', how you feeling?" Sonny's voice is the first thing I hear and I try to not smile.

I finally get them open, seeing him come over to the side of my bed, "like I was run over by a boat's engine." I murmur.

He chuckles back, "shouldn't that be run over by a truck?" His eyebrow raises in the cutest way and I turn my head away before he can see me smile further. The memory and the words of what happened whenever amount of time ago coming back to me in flashes.

I try and sit up, quickly realizing my arm is bandaged to my body and unable to be used the way I want it to. He realizes my struggle and helps me sit up in the bed, putting another pillow behind me, "who did this?" I ask him.

He bites the inside of his lower lip, "well, it was my bullet that went through you and hit him. I'm so sorry Addison, I was just trying to get that gun away from your head." He rushes to an apology "I hope you can forgive me."

"I didn't mean you, Sonny. I don't blame you for this. I meant who is this guy who held a gun to my head and raped me?" I clarify.

"His name is Jacob Morales. He's the governor's illegitimate son. We're working on getting a hold of some medical records from doctors and psychologists from here and Brazil." He explains, the time in Jason's room with all of them coming back to me.

I nod, trying to process the thought of this man actually being caught, "so what happens next?" I ask the familiar question.

"Well you are going to work on healing and we'll do the rest. The DA is putting together all the paperwork and we're moving for a swift trial." He explains to me.

"A trial, what does that mean? Would I have to testify or whatever?" I ask, only knowing so much about the court and how the system works.

He sighs, "it's looking like they are going to try and claim an insanity plea, so yes, you made need to testify." I exhale slowly, not sure what else to say. "Addison, about what I said yesterday," Sonny looks to the side of the bed but soon meets my gaze, "I didn't mean it, I was trying to build a rapport, tell him what he wanted to hear."

"I know, it's alright," I say back, knowing what he was doing and not blaming him for it anymore.

He puts his hand on my hand, making sure I am paying attention to him, "I mean it, Addison. I know I shouldn't but I like you, and I'm really glad you are okay." He rubs his thumb across my hand.

"Sonny." I sigh out his name, knowing what I have to do, "that's really sweet, but you can't like me. You don't even know me."

He tilts his head, keeping his hand on mine but stopping from moving his finger across, "what about the time in the park, the dinners we shared?" He questions.

I try to keep my voice firm, "I thought you were just doing your job, I'm sorry Sonny." I keep it short, not wanting to get caught up in my own lying.

He removes his hand, keeping his composure and wiping at his chin "that's alright, I'm glad it's cleared up and I'm glad you're okay." He half smiles and heads to the door, "the DA will be in contact." He adds on just before leaving me alone in my hospital room.

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