Chapter 34: Shots

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The phone rings and I answer it instinctively, "hello?" I ask into the phone.

"Hey, it's me!" Sonny says over the phone, I can tell in his voice that something's not right.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I say back, sitting up in the bed.

He quickly responds, "I'm coming to pick you up, pack up all of our stuff. I'll be there in 20. Don't answer the door for anyone!" He tells me.

"What? Why? What's going on?" I spit into the phone, nervous with what he's saying to me.

"There's a gun under the mattress in my room, get it and turn the safety off. Again, don't answer the door for anyone, I'll be there as soon as possible!" He reiterates to me firmly.

"Sonny, tell me what's going on." I plead to him.

I hear sirens go off into the phone, "see you soon!" He either ignores my request or didn't hear me and hangs up the phone. I stumble out of the bed and start to frantically pack everything of mine into the bag. A noise in the hall gets my attention and I run to the gun under Sonny's bed that he just told me about. I look at it closely as I find the safety and flick it in the other direction. I lay it on the bed and start to quickly pack up his things. I hear the door move and drop what I'm packing and go over to the gun, holding it up at the door. My hands shake as it opens but I hear Sonny before I see him and breathe out a large exhale, "it's me" is what he said.

My hands fall to my side and he comes over to take the gun from my hand, "what's going on?" I ask him.

"Jacob called me at the precinct and made a threat. He essentially told me he knew where you were staying and was going to race me here." He looks around at the room, "we can send someone for the rest. Let's go." He picks up his bag and goes into the other room to get mine.

"Where are we going?" I ask him, my heart beat racing.

"The precinct for now. Rollins is downstairs waiting for us." He tells me walking towards the door. He peaks his head out and looks both ways, "okay, let's go." He pulls at my hand and we quickly walk to the run down lobby area.

"Hi Addison." detective Rollins briefly addresses me, "no sign of him, we have 2 uni's posted outside in case he does show." She tells him and the three of us walk out of the lobby towards the car.

As we approach the car a loud bang goes off and something shatters. Sonny pushes me to the ground, "shots fired!!" He yells over me, "stay down!" He demands and I feel him move off of me. I watch as he squats with his gun at the ready and yells back to defective Rollins, "you okay?" He inquires. I wonder for a moment if he's asking out if obligation or because he likes her.

"Yah. You guys okay?" She asks but doesn't allow an answer, "I can't see him!"

I push the jealous thought out of my head and focus on what's happening. He yells back "we're good!" He grabs his radio off his belt, "shots fired at 7th and Madero, repeat, shots fired!"

Within minutes there are multiple police cars and an ambulance surrounding the motel. Sonny helps usher me to the back of the police truck to be looked at as the rest of his precinct arrive to investigate the crime scene. "She was pushed down on the asphalt, probably some scratches, " Sonny explains to the EMT as he stands next to the guy looking over me.

"I'm fine, really." I urge both men, my heart rate finally starting to slow down.

"You're shaking Addison, let them look you over." Sonny pushes softly. I sigh and agree with a slight head nod. Sonny leans down, "I'll be right back." He whispers before kissing me on the forehead.

The EMT checks me over and wipes off all the dried blood from scraping my hands on the shattered glass. My heart rate is high but that's expected with the trauma I just experienced. At least that's what they told me. "Where to now?" I ask Sonny when he comes back over to me.

He shakes his head and looks down, "precinct first, then we're getting out of Manhattan."

"Out of Manhattan?" I question out, wondering where he thinks we should go.

"Come on." He opens his arm for me to take his hand and I accept. We walk to his car and he opens the door for me to get in. When he gets in his side and he looks at me, "I'm sorry Addison. I brought him to us. I wasn't thinking when he called and I just darted out of the precinct." He tells me with sorrowful eyes.

"He followed you here?" I try and clarify.

He shrugs and nods, "I think so. I called Rollins on the way to tell her about the call and she told Benson. I wasn't thinking clearly, I just had to get to you before he did.

"It's okay, I'm just glad we are all okay," I tell him.

He nods just a tad then starts the car and drives towards the precinct. Once upstairs, he walks me into a room with some cots and lockers, "why don't you hang in here for now while I do the paperwork involved in this. I'll be in soon." He drops our bags down on one of the beds and then rubs his hand at the back of his neck, clearly distressed.

"Sure." I smile at him and he leaves the room.

A while later detective Rollins comes into the room, "you need anything?" She asks.

I shake my head, "I'm fine. Sorry, you got caught in the crossfire today." I add on before she goes.

She takes that opportunity to step into the room and close the door behind her, "part of the job, it's alright." She returns. I can tell she's holding something back and I decide to just sit there and wait for her to tell me what it is. "So, Sonny's gonna have to explain what happened to IAB now, this could put him at risk of losing his job." She says to me. I don't know what to say back, guilt washing over me. I shake my head with a shrug, letting her see that I'm speechless. She comes over to where I'm sitting and sits next to me, "but I talked to him and he's serious about you. He doesn't care about internal affairs or anything. So, I guess what I want to say is be good to him, he's risking everything for this." She gives me a small smile.

I look at her a bit taken aback by her change but smile weakly in return "I will." I say back, knowing what I feel about him is true. I feel a little sheepish now worrying about the two of them earlier. They are co-workers but they are also friends, and that's something I'll have to be okay with.

She nods once and stands to leave, "if you need anything, I'll be at my desk. Feel free to call me Amanda." She says over her shoulder before leaving, giving me what I think is a kind smile. I sit there pondering what she said about him, about IAB and what he told her. I adore Sonny and am falling for him myself. But the guilt of what happened today, and the guilt of possibly ruining his career is eating at me already. I don't know what I should do and start biting my nails while thinking about it.

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