Chapter 83: Win

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"He got her!" Sonny smiles at me and embraces me in a long hug. I exhale into his jacket, knowing there could still be more going on but feeling a bit of relief in her open court confession.

After we release one another, I look up to him and say, "Barba and Crowder have been in with the judge awhile. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I inquire, hoping it's a good thing for me.

He shrugs "could be either, but listen.." he pulls me aside by my elbow and whispers to me, "all the evidence available to us has been available to Barba as well."

"Right" I remind him I'm aware of that.

He smirks "just keep in mind he's a friend of mine. No matter what it looks like."

"I will" I remind him, wondering what he's saying this to me for. We exchange a few more words when Olivia and Rollins come walking over to us. I ask them "heard anything?"

"We are being stone walled at the moment." Olivia informs us "but we know what we're doing. I even got a call out to Dodd's, he's aware of what happened in court."

Amanda adds on, "unofficially and on the down low we are working on it." She looks to her boss, "I should go help Fin. Keep me posted." She points to Sonny who nods to confirm he will.

Olivia also excuses herself, "I just got a text from Barba. We'll talk soon." She heads off, head in her phone working.

Sonny and I share a look, "let's go find Gary." He grabs a hold of my hand and we make our way back towards the courthouse hallways, waiting for my lawyer to find us.

"The judge gave Barba 24 hours to get things straight. The idea of our governor being involved has the judge nervous and wants everyone to do their due diligence." Gary explains as we all begin to walk out of the courthouse.

I question, "what are they going to find now that they haven't before?"

He goes to answer but the moment the doors open, we are being bombarded with lights and people yelling, asking for comments and referencing governor Morales. Sonny quickly wraps his arms around me and ducks my head down, pulling me into him to try and hide my face. I can barely hear Gary over the crowd of reports telling them we have no comment. We somehow make it to the end of the courthouse steps where Gary's town-car is waiting for him. He insists I get in first and Sonny flows in right behind me. After the car pulls away, Gary answers my question "they are going to look into Heather Lightly now. Although they had all the evidence I had, they never thought that name was someone special. Just a client of hers. I connected her to the apartment. They weren't looking, but I was."

"Right, the one that isn't her aunts but she said was." I remind myself, "I'm assuming you're thinking this is all tied to Charles."

He gives me a knowing and cocky smirk back to confirm, but also says with confidence, "I'm finishing that bastard once and for all."

"Couldn't we use this towards a mistrial?" Sonny asks.

I shake my head, "I don't want a mistrial. I don't want my name to be tarnished as the girl who was framed or who did it and got away with it or whatever." I already turned to Sonny to say this, wrapping my hand around his. "I want him finished." I squeeze, telling him I'm in for the fight of my life.

He squeezes it back, "if that's what you want." He shifts in his seat to grab his cell, "I'll see if there's anything I can do off duty to help the team out."

"Meanwhile, I need to meet with you Addison and go over every detail and every encounter you've ever had with Charles Morales." He lowers his eyes just a slight more, "from when you met him in college while dating his son, to the incident in his home after the rape. I know it'll be hard but I need everything."

"That's fine." I nod and assure him it's okay with me.

He takes out a pen "alright, why don't I drop Sonny off at home and then you and I can go to my office to begin?" He asks if that's alright.

I nod, as does Sonny but Sonny says at the same time as his nodding "you can just take me to the precinct. I have some files I want to look at."

"Got it" the driver says, knowing to take him there before driving Gary and I to the office.

Once we arrive, we head up in an elevator to a small office. Once settled, he asks me to tell him the first time I met him. I tell him the story, "when Jason and I were dating in college his father came out for parents weekend. He was in a fraternity and we were hanging out in his room drinking when his father came up. He was disappointed to see his son in that state but he was nothing but kind to me."

"And how many times did you see him while you two were dating?" He asks me, taking notes.

I shrug and spout out a number "maybe 3 or 4 after that. I know I went home with Jason over Christmas and saw him once but he was busy working or something, barely talked."

I spend the next hour going over every little conversation I can think of between Charles and I. I went over every detail all the way up to him groping me in his kitchen and me setting him up to get Sonny back.

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