Chapter 9: Babysitting

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"What's the damage?" Sonny asks now that we are sitting at the dinner table a few hours later.

Bella looks at me then to her brother with a smirk, "well, Addison only bought like 4 cheap things. Me, on the other hand" she looks to her fiance, "I got something really nice for our night out on Friday." She winks to him.

"Alright, alright. Calm down, Juliet." He makes a disgusted face, "where are you guys going Friday night?" Sonny asks them as she places the food on the table.

Bella takes her seat and everyone joins hands for the prayer. Tommy recites it this time, "Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen." The three of them do the sign of the cross and I wait to be served. "My co-worker is gettin' married out in Jersey City. Real fancy place." Tommy tells him.

"Fancy? Jersey City?" Sonny asks trying to hide a grin.

"We were hoping you'd come over and watch Anastasia. We don't really wanna take a baby on the train and everything." Bella pleads to her brother, cutting the chicken on her plate.

Sonny shrugs, "you know I have work, what happens if I get called in?" He asks "ask mom and dad."

Bella responds, already having figured that, "well can't you drop her off at Amanda's then? I mean she's sort of close to the precinct. Mom and dad already have plans with their bridge group."

Sonny shakes his head, "aw, come on Bella. I can't just dump a baby on someone else's sitter." He argues.

"I could watch her?" I suggest, "I mean if he gets called in and you need someone."

I take a quick bite of food after saying that, worried I overstepped. Tommy and Bella look at each other as if they are thinking about it and Sonny responds, "you don't have to do that, Addison. That's nice of you to offer though."

"It's the least I could do, I'm staying here and everything. It's only a plan B if you do get called into work." I say "otherwise you'll be the main source of babysitting."

"See! It works out perfectly!" Bella smiles happily.

"Fine." He rolls his eyes and eats his food "guess I'll watch her for you. Since you're helping me out and everything."

"Yah!" Bella yells happily.


2 days go by and it's Friday afternoon. Bella and Tommy get dressed up and ready to leave Sonny and I at their apartment with Anastasia, "okay, the number of the hotel is on the fridge!" She packs things into a bag as she spits out directions, "she has milk in the fridge and some extras in the freezer. She goes to bed at 6, naps 2 times a day--"

"I got it, I got it. I've watched her before." Sonny bounces the little girl on his lap.

"Never overnight" Bella argues, "if you have any questions, call me right away, I'll keep my phone on vibrate." She makes Sonny stand up with her daughter and hugs them both, giving the little girl a kiss on her cheek. Tommy grabs their bag and opens the front door, leading the way out of the apartment, "Thank you, Sonny, thank you, Addison." She smiles one last time before closing the door behind her.

I stand up and lock it, "so, what are you going to do today?" I ask going back to the couch.

"I was thinking we could take this one to the park down the street!" He tosses her ever so slightly into the air and catches her, my heart stopping that 1 second she's air born.

"we?" I ask him.

He looks over, "well yeah, I didn't think you'd wanna be cooped up in here all weekend."

"Is that safe?" I ask next.

He nods to assure me, "no one followed you here, there's no way they know you're in this neighborhood. You'll be fine. Besides, I'll be with you the entire time."

"Alright," I say back slowly agreeing. Getting out into the air might do me some good.

We take Anastasia to the park and spend the afternoon pushing her in the swing and sliding down the slides with her

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We take Anastasia to the park and spend the afternoon pushing her in the swing and sliding down the slides with her. Around 4 we decide to head back and get started on dinner, "oh my goodness, she is adorable!" A random woman comes up to the stroller as we wait for a light to turn. "She has your eyes!" She looks to Sonny and then to me, "it's so nice to see family out and spending time together!" She claps her hands together.

"Oh" I blurt out at her assumption, "no, no.--"

But Sonny interrupts me, "thank you mam', I'm a lucky man." He smiles back putting a hand on my shoulder.  We then move into the street now that the light has turned.

"What was that?" I ask him once we turn right and she goes straight.

He snickers, "it's just easier to let her assume then try to explain it. Besides, it made her happy. Why confuse and embarrass her?"

I nod agreeing in silence and letting the wind fill my eyes until we get back inside. Once there, I start to make dinner while Sonny got Anastasia cleaned up and ready for bed. She eats after her bath and falls asleep quickly, before her bedtime. "I'm not the best cook, so I hope it's good," I say as Sonny sits down at the table.

"Looks delicious." He says and opens his hand for me to take and pray.

"Oh," I say taking his hand, still not used to praying before dinner.

He speaks lowly with his eyes closed, "Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen."

"Amen," I add on.

He serves the pasta and asks, "so, you're not the prayin' type, huh?"

"Not really, not in a while. I'm just trying to be polite." I tell him honestly.

"I get it," he returns, "but after everything you went through, religion might help you more than you think." I go to say something back, "and that's all I'll say on that matter. I get it."

"Thanks," I mumble back, remembering just how similar Bella was the first night I was here. I add on, "and thanks again for introducing me to your sister. She is really nice, I'm thankful that she's allowing me to stay here."

He takes a bite, waiting to finish chewing before speaking, "you don't have to keep thanking me Addison, it's all good." He says. We spend the rest of the dinner talking about our childhoods and comparing them, having been so different from one another's.

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