Chapter 66: Helping

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"So, are you guys taking the case?" I eagerly ask Sonny when he comes to see me in the break room I've been waiting in.

I've been nursing a cup of coffee since Mr. and Mrs. Fitzman arrived and went to talk to Olivia and Sonny. Most of the team has gone home so I'm just anxiously waiting to hear something. Sonny told me that Lori came over a bit early for dinner but he sent her home when he had to go to the precinct. She told me she'd let Jason know we had to reschedule and he came straight here. Sonny answers me, "normally we'd wait a bit before considering him missing but I trust your gut, so does Olivia. So we're going to look into it. She called in Amanda and Fin. I'll be heading out once Amanda gets here to talk to his friend, Don."

"Thank you." I breathe out in a sigh of relief. If anyone is going to find Griffin and what he's up to, it's Sonny and his unit, "I hope it's all just a misunderstanding. He was doing so good."

Sonny takes a seat, taking out a notepad and asks, "can you explain what you mean?"

I sigh, "you need to interview me, don't you?" He gives me a halfhearted smile as an answer and I nod while answering, "I get it, anything to help. Well, Griffin suffered through a lot of crap before and while in foster care. Really messed up stuff. Until the Fitzman's got him. They've been so patient and understanding. Griffin hated tutoring. He wouldn't even talk the first two sessions we had."

"How'd you change that?" Sonny asks.

"I opened up to him about what happened to me. How it brought me to working with him ultimately. I think he began trusting me a bit more from there." I tell him.

Sonny gives me an encouraging smile, "you're really brave." He moves his hand over mine and gives it a gentle squeeze. He retreats his hand back then asks, "did he tell you anything you think would be relevant to us?"

"Like what?" I question back, wanting to help but not wanting to overshare anything Griffin said to me if I didn't have to.

He shrugs, "did he talk about any of his old foster homes? Or maybe any friends who were mad he was changing? Anything like that?"

I try and think back over all the conversations we've had but say, "no, nothing like that. After the first session where he opened up to me he never really mentioned any of the bad stuff. Just what he was changing in his day to day life to make himself better."

"Well, what was he changing?" Sonny asks.

I smile, "well, he quit smoking pot with his friends. They thought that was stupid. He started to change the clothes he was wearing too. It was subtle at first but I noticed. His demeanor and stature were changing too. He was really trying to take care of himself." Saying all this out loud reminded me of our last conversation, "actually, wait!" I sit up "he mentioned his friend, uhh Geo I think. They were friends from foster care, he came by to see him two nights before tutoring. Said he was in trouble and needed help, needed money."

"And Griffin didn't help?" Sonny questions.

I shake my head, "no. I guess Griffin helped him once before while with the Fitzman's. Stealing money from them and pawning things to get whatever amount he needed to help. He told his friend he couldn't help this time and he left."

"He just left?" Sonny reiterates what I said.

I nod, "I guess, he didn't tell me exactly how they left it. I told him it was good of him to decline but that he may want to tell his foster parents that he came by."

"Alright, thanks, Addison. That's helpful." He says then standing up. He comes around the table where I'm now standing and he leans in to give me a hug, "I'll see you back at home, want an officer to take you there?" He asks then kisses me on top of my forehead.

"No, ill be alright. I'm going to stop by Lori's before I go home." I tell him.

I go to walk off but he stops me when he asks, "Lori's? Why?"

"Because she knows Griffin as well and I just feel it'll make me feel somewhat okay if I'm with someone I can talk to. Is that okay?" I ask him, catching the way he's looking at me.

"Oh yeah, yeah it's fine. Be safe." He waves to me with his notepad in his hand and walks out of the room. I follow behind him but he goes right when I have to turn left and I head out.

Once outside, I get out my phone and call Lori, "hey, is everything okay? Sonny told me he had to run to the precinct."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I hope we didn't ruin yours and Jason's night. He's actually going to see if he can find Griffin." I say to her.

"What? Is Griffin okay? Is he missing?" She questions, seeming concerned.

I tell her, "not sure, so that's why I called Sonny. Hey, did you and Jason make any plans or do you think I could come over? I'm just really worried about Griffin and don't want to be sitting at home alone waiting to hear from Sonny."

"Of course, yes. Come over." She insists.

"Thank you." I hang up and continue to walk forward to find an available cab.

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