Chapter 82: Lori

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"Thank you for being here today." Gary starts off his cross with Lori, a fake pleasant smile on his lips towards her.

"My pleasure" she smiles gently, causing bile to turn in my stomach. I thought we were friends and I trusted her. There has been no one in my life I've been able to trust except Sonny in so long, and she tried to get him to leave me. The hatred I have for her feels similar to what I held for James.

I remind myself to breathe and listen as Gary starts his questioning off easy, "so, you and my client were friends, is that correct?"

"I'd say our relationship was more professional but we did hang out occasionally outside of work, yes." She makes sure to answer with her own version of events.

"Such events as a girls night out, a few double date nights with both your significant others and a night at a benefit among other after work hangouts with my client." Gary clarifies the few times we hung out outside of work.

"The benefit invitations were for work employees." She clarifies for him.

He takes her response and gives it his own spin, "right, but you were chosen who to invite and include at your table, correct?

"That's correct." She finally just keeps it short.

"So, you and Ms. Collins were friends, even if just work friends. Tell me, why did you assign her to be Griffin's case manager?"

She answers, "she was ready to start working with kids, or so I thought. I'll never forgive myself for matching them."

"What does it mean by ready? Did she come to you and tell you she was ready?" He questions, already knowing I didn't.

She tells the truth for once, "no, I approached her about it. Seeing how well she was doing with all the work I was giving her and knowing her background as a teacher I thought she would work well with Griffin."

"And when did Ms. Collins begin working with you again?" He asks her.

"June" she replies quickly.

"I have paystubs going back to March." Griffin walks to the table to grab the evidence

"She started in March but began working with Griffin in June. I thought that's what you meant." She tries to clarify back.

"So you guys got to know one another a few times over those 3 months before she started working with Griffin. She even had dinner over your place a few times." Gary says to her, moving right along.

"I suppose. I was happy to have her over for dinner on occasion. I thought she was a good person." She snarls, making it clear she doesn't think that anymore to the jury.

"You thought she was good enough to have her over your home, correct?" He asks.

"Yes," she answers, not sure what he's getting at.

He asks, "how long have you lived in your current residence?"

"Objection? Relevance." Barbs stands and says to the judge.

The judge doesn't even need to hear Gary explain and gives him some room to work, "I'll allow it, for now, go ahead and answer." He looks right to Lori.

She replies, "I moved in on March 3rd."

"And this is your great aunt's apartment that she left you when she passed?" He asks.

"Correct" Lori answers again, keeping it very short.

"Do you recall telling my client that your aunt left you her apartment after her recent passing?" He asks her.

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