Chapter 89: Surprise

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I'm finally checking out of the hospital 9 days after I went in. A few headaches kept me in 3 days longer as they wanted to make sure it wasn't anything from the blast they missed in any scans. When they assure Sonny enough that they are not related he lets me check out. It's 9 a.m on a Tuesday morning. By the time we are done with the paperwork and back at the apartment, it's almost noon. Sonny drops our bag of clothes and medications down by the door and says to me, "I'm sure you're looking forward to just relaxing but I have a surprise for you."

"What? Why? What did you do?" I smile but ask a bit excited. A surprise might be nice to help keep my mind off the pain.

"It's nothing, just go shower, blow dry your hair and get dressed. We have to leave around 1:30 if we're going to be on time." He tells me, moving back to the door "I have to do something in the meantime but I'll be back to get you then."

"Sonny, wait!" I call after him for more information but he's already gone and the door shuts behind him. "Okay, then." I say out loud. I take a few minutes to just stand at the window of the apartment and watch the city go by, as if nothing ever happened to me. As if the governor isn't dead. As if my rape didn't change me. I exhale it all away and head to get cleaned up. Sonny comes back to the apartment exactly at 1:30. He opens the door and asks "are you ready?"

"You said 1:30. Although all my texts went unanswered so I don't know if what I'm wearing is appropriate?" I say and ask at the same time.

He takes a moment to look over me and smiles wide "it's perfect, just like you." He quickly comes over to me and kisses me on the forehead, "let's go."

He takes my hand and takes me downstairs. He gets a cab and lists off an address. I ask, "where are we going?" I try and think of what the address could be but nothing comes to mind. Within 20 minutes we are pulling up outside of a church "we're going to church?" I ask him.

"Yup, we have a lot to be thankful for and on the first stop I figured we'd stop in and say a prayer. Together." He pays the cab and comes around to meet me on the other side, "is that alright?"

"Of course." I smile at him. He takes my hand and we head up the short steps to the front door. When we get inside the main hallway and head towards the pews I see Olivia and Amanda to my right. My eyes squint and my heart races as Sonny's family is on the left side, smiling and huddled together staring at Sonny and I with giant smiles "what's going on?" I ask him.

He smiles wide and says, "will you marry me today?"

"What?" My heart stops for a moment, "right now?"

He nods "right now."

"Yes. Of course I will." I try not to cry in front of everyone as they clap and quietly cheer for us. "You're crazy." I whisper into his chest as he hugs me tightly "but I'm so happy right now."

"Addison, come on. We've got to get you ready." Amanda taps me lightly on the shoulder.

"Ready? What are you talking about?" I ask her, then eye Sonny. He just nods towards Olivia and Amanda, telling me to go with them. As I turn to follow, he adds "I'll see you down the aisle."

The butterflies in my stomach escape through my entire body and I start to shake. Amanda takes my arm and helps me walk to a side room. Olivia comes in behind her and says "I hope you like this as much as I thought you would."

Behind her on the back of the door is a wedding gown zipped up in a bag. She pulls the zipper down and pulls out the ivory white wedding dress of my dreams. I forget how to breathe as I move to touch it, stopping just before my hand gets to the beads on the bodice "this is for me? For today?" My eyes are wide as I look to her for confirmation, eyes stinging with tears.

"Of course! You can't get married without a dress. I'm so excited for you and Sonny to start this next chapter in your life. He deserves it. You deserve it."

I shake my head "I can't accept this, it's too beautiful."

I gasp to try and stop from crying and she hangs the dress back up. She pulls me into an embrace and holds me there for a moment. She then leaves her hands on my shoulder and tells me "Addison, what you've been through the past year was worse than a nightmare. But it's over. You're no longer a victim but a survivor. You've got an entire life ahead of you, and you're going to do wonderful things. This may not be the life you thought you'd have, but it's going to be a great one, I promise you that." I nod and the tears have somehow managed to stop and stay hidden in the corners of my eyes. "Congratulations honey, you deserve all the happiness in the world."

"Thank you" I whisper once again as I hug her again.

She nods and smiles as she goes to open the door "I'll see you out there."

When she leaves I turn to Amanda and say, "this is so surreal."

"Well come on, don't you think you've kept Sonny waiting long enough?" She winks, holding a curling iron up.

I smile and sit down in front of her. After she finishes my hair, I apply a light layer of eyeshadow, blush, and mascara and stand up "I guess this is it." I grab the dress and smile at my friend before moving to change in the small bathroom. A year ago she was telling me to stay away from Sonny, that he'd be too good for himself and get himself in trouble. But here we are, getting married in front of the ones we love the most. I came to New York for a fresh start and it may not be how I thought I would get one but I did. It was a rough beginning but that's all it was, a beginning. And now I can start the best part, the middle, with the man of my dreams.

I step out of the bathroom and Amanda smiles, a tear falls down her cheek and I spot it before she could wipe it away "you look incredible, Addison. Really." She comes over and gives me a big hug.

"Thank you." I say after she let's go turning away from her and looking in the mirror "I wish my mom was here to see this. She would've loved Sonny."

"Most parents do." She rubs her arm slightly on mine, "I'm sure she's proud of you."

"Thanks" I return again, wanting to keep from getting over emotional right now, knowing I'll be crying again shortly.

She looks down at her watch and says "alright, it's about that time. You ready to become Mrs. Addison Carisi?"

I smile wide and exhale, "so ready."

She smiles with me and heads to the door, she holds up one finger. She opens the door and says a few words to someone outside the door while I look at myself back in the mirror. Amanda leaves the room but Mr. Carisi walks in after her exit, "Addison, my wife and I have something for you."

"For me?" I ask, putting a hand to my chest.

He smiles and comes over. He hands me a diamond tennis bracelet, tinted just slightly with a blue hue "just something borrowed and blue, it was my grandmothers and she let my dear wife borrow it on her wedding day. I think it brought us some luck. Here." He moves to put the bracelet on my wrist, sparkling in the light as I twist my wrist once it's on.

"This is absolutely beautiful and so sweet of you guys to allow me to wear this. Thank you." I lean in and give him a big hug.

"Of course, you're about to be a Carisi yourself." He holds me tightly. "Ready?" He gestures his arm out for me to take. He's walking me down the isle. The tears start to form, feeling blessed but a bit overwhelmed at the same time. "Take your time darling, I know my son will wait as long as it takes for you."

I chuckle out a laugh, believing him and feeling so much better instantly. I say to him "he's waited long enough. Let's go." The two of us step out of the room and then to head to the isle.

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