Chapter 45: Left

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Sonny and I grab an early lunch and afterward he drops me off at my therapist's office, "so, I'll pick you up in an hour." He says as we approach the door.

"Where are we going next?" I try to get him to tell me.

He shakes his head, "nope, it's a day of surprises. You'll just have to wait and see!" He exclaims happily.

"Fine. I'll see you in an hour!" I lean up on my toes to give him a quick kiss and head into the building.

I quickly change into something nicer than gym clothes I brought with us and meet my therapist at the door, "Hello Addison, how are you?" She asks with a smile as she lets me in.

"Things are a little crazy right now," I tell her openly. We begin to go over everything that's happened the past few days with Charles and moving my stuff to Sonny's.

She writes a few things down but mostly listens, "how do you feel staying at Sonny's now?" She questions.

I think and shrug, "it has only been one night, but I guess I feel fine."

"Fine?" She asks.

I try to elaborate, "well, when I went to shower this morning it was a bit weird, not knowing where anything was and having all of his stuff around. At Jason's, it was set up more like a hotel, yanno."

"Okay, I see. Do you think you two staying in his apartment together is good for either of you?" She asks next.

I eye her, "what do you mean? Why wouldn't it be?"

She sighs, but shares her thoughts, "you guys have been dating, what, a few weeks now?"

"2 months." I clarify

She writes that down, "right, 2 months, and you've already taken a step forward that most people wait years to do."

"We didn't move in together, it's just temporary." I try to assure her.

"Is it?" She pushes. I leave my mouth a bit opened in shock so she continues what she means, "I understand that Jacob is out there right now and you two are under protection, but you've experienced a lot of life changing events this year."

"Yeah, because of Jacob and his family!" I spit back to her, not liking hearing his name coming from my mouth.

She nods, staying calm unlike myself, "I understand, but when he is caught again, and you testify about the rape, life will eventually start to feel normal again, life will move forward."

"And what's wrong with that? Normal sounds nice." I ask her, wanting Sonny and me together to be my normal.

"Your normal isn't actually with Sonny, Addison. You're normal is living alone as a school teacher in the city. I'm not saying it has to stay that way but when things calm down again, don't you want to see who you've become?"

"What are you saying?" I push, wanting her to get to her point.

She lowers her pen and pad, "I'm saying I don't want you to end up resenting Sonny after all of this." I bite my lower lip from spitting something back at her and try to actually absorb what she is saying, "you really like him, that's obvious, but eventually things will move on and I feel if you want it to last with him, you need to still explore yourself without him being a crutch for you."

"Hmmm." I simply hum back, feeling hurt from her words.

She must catch on to what I'm feeling because she says, "alright, that's enough for today. Why don't you spend the rest of the session here and I'll excuse myself to my office. Same time Thursday?" She asks as she stands.

I nod and mumble back, "sure." She leaves me alone and goes to the room in the back. I stay seated, hands in my lap, thinking about what she said. I only had about 10 minutes left in the session anyway and when it hits 3 o'clock I leave the room and head downstairs to meet Sonny. I hang around for around 10 minutes before pulling out my phone and looking for a message from him. I decide to give him a call but there is no answer. I give it another 15 minutes before trying again. I decide not to leave a message and scroll back up in my contact to call his boss. She answers her usual way and I ask, "I know I shouldn't call you but is Sonny there?" I ask her once telling her who it was.

"No, it's his day off. Everything okay?" She asks.

I shake my head, remembering the other night when I called her and he was just busy doing something for work, "it's fine, I'm sure he's just busy. Sorry to bother you."

"Not a bother at all, talk to you later Addison." She tells me before we hang up. I try to call him again but there is still no answer. I give it another 20 minutes of waiting before I decide to make my way to his apartment. I hail a taxi and give the man the address. My emotions range between anger and worry as I try to think about what he's doing that he wouldn't meet me like he said he would.

When I get to his apartment, I ring up and wait for him to answer. Five minutes of waiting before someone comes out of his apartment and I get in the door. I head up the elevator and briskly walk to his door, "Sonny!" I call as I knock a bit harshly on the door. "Sonny!?" I call out a bit louder.

I bite my lower lip, not sure what to do now. He told me he would meet me after my therapy session and he didn't. He's not at his apartment or at work. I make the choice to go back downstairs and hail a cab. Once I arrive at the precinct, I make my way upstairs and see Amanda first, "Hey, what are you doing here?" She smiles at me coming over, "Sonny said he had a whole day date planned for you guys today."

I look around hoping to see Olivia but decide to tell Amanda since she's not in sight, "we were, but he never came back to get me after my therapy session. I'm worried." I confide to her.

She pulls me over to her desk and asks quietly, "did you call him? Go to his apartment?" She questions. I nod my head to tell her, yes and she hum's out, "hmmm. Well, were you suppose to meet him somewhere, maybe meet up for dinner?" She looks at her watch.

I shake my head, "no, he was going to pick me up from the office." I assure her.

"Okay, hold on." She puts a finger up and leaves me standing at her desk, starting to bite my nails. A few moments later she calls me over, "Addison, can you come here please?"

I turn to see where she is and I walk to her, familiar with Olivia's office. I walk in and Amanda shuts the door behind me, "you can't find Sonny?" She asks.

"He's not as his apartment, he's not answering his phone, he's not here. He was going to pick me up and--" I look down at my phone I've been clutching to see what time it is, "and that was 2 hours ago."

She must hear the panic in my voice and tries to calm me, "alright, hold on. Don't panic yet. It's Sonny. Let me make a few calls, alright?" She asks, eyeing me to make sure I'm okay and keeping it together.

"Okay," I assure her, taking a seat in a chair.

"Stay with her, please." She directs Amanda who nods and sits next to me. Olivia leaves the room and I do my best to keep my brain from thinking the craziest of thoughts.

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