Chapter 8: Line-up

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"What, what is this?" I ask now that the window to the line-up is open and the men are standing with their shirts off and back's to me. All of them have dragon tattoos on their back, all very much the same.

"Can you identify the man who attacked who?" Lieutenant Benson asks me.

I shake my head, looking at all the tattoo's, "can't they turn around?" I ask looking between her, Sonny and 2 lawyers.

The shorter lawyer who explained how the line-up works to me explains, "we just need you to identify the tattoo you saw that night."

I try to distinguish the differences on the back's of these men but they all look so alike, "she can't, this is a waste of my client's time." The other lawyer says the one who must be defending Jason in this.

"Hold on, give her time." Sonny encourages me, "just focus Addison, you can do this."

I take a further look through the window at all the back's and exhale as I give a number, "three. That's Jason." I say to them. Lieutenant Benson knocks on the window three times and Sonny ushers me out of the room. "Was that right? Was that Jason?" I ask him. He just keeps walking me into the lieutenant's office.

Eventually, Lieutenant Benson and the lawyer come into the office, asking Sonny to leave. The door shuts and the lawyer, who reintroduces himself as ADA Barba, sits down next to me, "you correctly identified Jason Charles in the line-up but that's just step one. This is going to be a long road, are you prepared for that?" He asks me.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him.

"I just want to make sure there is nothing we are missing. No other checks sent to you, no other rendezvous between you two." Barba clarifies his underlying questioning.

I stand up, angered by what he is saying, "I'm sick of being treated like the criminal. I was raped, and you guys pressured me to come forward. I shouldn't have to do your job for you!" I leave the room and go to head out of the precinct.

"Addison!" Jason's voice freezes me in place and I turn my head to where it came from. "Addi! What's going on? They keep telling me they have evidence that I raped you! Addison!" He keeps calling to me, trying to get to me.

His lawyer tries to hold him from walking over to me, but no one is holding me and I quickly walk over towards him. Anger flooding me, "why would you do this to me! Why? You raped me!" I yell and as I reach him I slap him with all my force across the face. "Why?" I yell louder, tears streaming down my face "you didn't have to do that! Why did you do this?"

I'm now being pulled back by someone, Jason as well as he calls back to me, "I didn't Addison, I didn't, you have to believe me! I would never hurt you!"

"You're a rapist!" I shout once more before a door shuts in front of my face and the hands holding me back let me go.

I turn and see Sonny and detective Tutuola looking at me, "you're alright. He's gone now, calm down." Sonny says in a low soothing voice.

"We weren't expecting you to leave right then, sorry about that," defective Tutuola adds on.

I just nod my head and focus on my breathing. My hands continue to shake and Fin leaves to get me a drink of water. I accept it and slurp it down slowly, allowing myself to feel the cold water go down my throat, "let's get you out of here." Sonny says once I've finished. I nod and he drives me back to his sister's apartment.

We get inside and Sonny explains what happens to Bella. She offers me a shower and I happily accept, wanting to clean myself off. I don't know how long I'm in there for but I use all the hot water. After I get out, I search through the bag Sonny bought for me for something to wear. I find a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to throw on but no undergarments. I walk out of the room with my arms around my chest and walk over to Sonny as he stands playing with his niece, "thanks for getting my things, but I don't have any undergarments."

He shyly looks away from me when answering, "yah, sorry. It didn't feel right going through those drawers."

I smile, "that's sweet I guess but I kinda need somethings. I don't really feel comfortable walking around commando in someone else's house." I tell him honestly.

Bella pipes in from the kitchen, "we can go shopping!" Her voice giddy with excitement.

"I don't have any cash," I say back, happy to have an excuse to decline.

Sonny adds on, "you can take my card, get some undergarments. I was the one who didn't bring you any in the first place."

"I couldn't do that." I decline further, feeling a bit awkward.

"Please, just take it." Sonny takes out his wallet and pulls out a card to try and hand me the card, ducking his head to hide a flushed face.

I keep shaking my head not accepting the card when Bella comes around the corner and quickly swipes it out of his hands, "thank you!" She beams and looks to me, "go put something else on and we'll get going, "Sonny, will you be back for dinner?" She asks him.

"Sure." He says and she nods, leaning down to pick up her baby. Sonny leaves the apartment before we do and I wait as she gets the baby ready to go.

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